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456 lines (397 loc) · 28.7 KB

File metadata and controls

456 lines (397 loc) · 28.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Log number of received results.
  • Log error in case caller cell cannot be retrieved.
  • Add more information on VBA caller.
  • Support for Dynamic array formulas
  • Allow to verify SSL certificate (or not).
  • Allow to provide a custom path to a configuration to update.
  • Provides a public base class for all pyxelrest issued exceptions: pyxelrest.PyxelRestException.
  • install_addin script now has a destination parameter allowing to install it anywhere.
  • Allow to report an issue from the PyxelRest tab within Microsoft Excel.
  • Allow to provide an OpenAPI definition within the configuration.
  • Allow to change path to up-to-date configurations while add-in is running.
  • Display path to python in Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • Display path to xlwings BAS file in Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • Allow to toggle pre-releases check in Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • prefix option per formula type.
  • Allow to provide the description of the service in the Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • skip_update_for option is now allowing dot notation.
  • Allow to provide a custom response converter when using as a python module.
  • Allow to set NTLM authentication with current credentials in the Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • Allow to provide the authentication mechanism to use when retrieving the OpenAPI definition in the Microsoft Excel add-in.


  • Allow flexible dependencies versions (only requires major component to match).
  • Compatibility with python 3.11.
  • Ability to change the configuration and impact loaded functions within module without restarting python.
  • file URl are now properly handled, they must start with file:/// instead of file://
  • Updater do not rely on yaml anymore. Instead, a basic configuration for logging is used. This should prevent random yaml upgrade issues.
  • Do not request VBA caller in threading context (as it cannot be retrieved and result in COM call failure).
  • The PyxelRestAddIn does not read default xlwings configuration anymore for non provided settings. Allowing to run in addition of the xlwings add-in.
  • Allow calling update_services_config script without an existing configuration.
  • Allow to provide a custom xlwings bas file path to the add-in.
  • Allow loading pyxelrest even if no services configuration file can be found.
  • Allow installing pyxelrest outside of a virtual environment.
  • Launching add-in as a developer do not mix logs with the installed add-in anymore. Local development log files are created instead.
  • Use SafeLoader rather than FullLoader to load module logging configuration.
  • Allow REST APIs with excel_application parameter name.
  • Handle Win32Exception occurring if python process cannot be closed due to user rights.
  • Handle relative URI for authorizationUrl and tokenUrl.
  • Microsoft Excel add-in advanced services configuration screen is now handling all resolutions properly.
  • Microsoft Excel add-in now ensure required extra python modules are installed if required.
  • Allow adding new configuration sections via auto-update that will not be updated afterwards.
  • Do not attempt to generate user defined functions if xlwings cannot be imported.
  • Do not import xlwings twice if it is already imported (in case user save pyxelrest.xlam file manually while xlwings was imported).
  • Avoid checking trust access to the VBA project object model twice on function generation.
  • Return raw result when using as a python module even if HTTP 202 is received.
  • Return the full response as text when using as a python module, and not only the first 255 characters.
  • In case NO_PROXY environment variable was containing multiple URLs and should have been applied, it was not the case by the add-in.
  • Numbers are now properly checked if the value is supposed to be a multiple of another value.
  • Allow str parameter name.
  • Handle primitive type body (such as sending a raw string, an integer, etc...).


  • Drop support for python < 3.11.
  • Drop support for application/msgpackpandas as msgpack support has been dropped from pandas and this is not a standardized content type.
  • Drop support for ujson.
  • Drop support for ini configuration files.
  • Drop support for shifted results as there is no need for it anymore, first cell is always filled with an up-to-date value.
  • Python update script path is now guessed by add-in, no need to provide the path in configuration anymore.
  • Drop ntlm and cachetools extra. As documentation clearly state what is supported and that there is no added value.
  • There is no default services configuration anymore at pyxelrest module installation. However, samples can still be found via documentation.
  • Remove the ability to select options and head http method from Microsoft Excel add-in configuration as they are most likely not used.
  • It is not possible to filter out HTTP methods from pyxelrest service anymore.
  • It is not possible to specify custom python modules to be installed by the Microsoft Excel add-in. Instead, required modules will be automatically installed by the add-in.
  • udf_name_prefix option does not exists anymore, instead it should be provided per formula type thanks to prefix option.
  • update_services_config script does not allow listing services anymore.
  • update_services_config script does not allow removing services anymore.
  • update_services_config script does not allow updating services anymore.
  • X-PXL-REQUEST header is not sent anymore to avoid computation and respect a bit more user privacy.
  • X-PXL-SESSION header is not sent anymore to respect a bit more user privacy.
  • rely_on_definitions is not available anymore as it is too slow to be used anyway.
  • install_addin script path_to_up_to_date_configuration parameter has been removed.


  • Auto update does not request pre-releases by default anymore. It must be explicitly requested via --check_pre_releases.
  • Use HTTPS scheme whenever possible.
  • Generate one python file with UDFs per service.
  • Most of the python modules and functions are now private. If you need access to some internals, please open an issue.
  • Most of the scripts are now inside the pyxelrest package.
  • Update all dependencies to the latest major release.
  • read_timeout now default to 5s instead of waiting indefinitely.
  • Network related settings (max_retries, connect_timeout, read_timeout, proxies) are now supposed to be provided within network configuration section.
  • SSL certificate is now verified by default. You can change this by setting network verify to false.
  • Authentication related settings (oauth2, api_key, basic, ntlm) are now supposed to be provided within auth configuration section.
  • Display default values for OAuth2 settings in configuration UI.
  • Renamed Microsoft Excel add-in to PyxelRestAddIn.
  • Microsoft Excel add-in configuration is now loaded from excel_addin\PyxelRestAddIn.dll.config instead of configuration\addin.config so that there is no default unused configuration.
  • xlwings related configuration and bas file are now loaded from excel_addin folder instead of configuration folder as it should not be modified by clients.
  • install_addin script add_in_directory parameter has been renamed to source.
  • install_addin script now installs add-in relatively to current location unless specified otherwise.
  • update_services_config script file_or_directory parameter has been renamed to source.
  • If pyxelrest logging configuration cannot be found, rely on logging module configuration instead of a custom fallback configuration.
  • update_services_config script now requires a configuration file to update (no default configuration path anymore).
  • auto_update script does not update services configuration anymore as this is performed by add-in at startup time anyway.
  • X-Pxl-Cell header renamed to X-Pxl-Caller for clarity.
  • Selected HTTP methods are now supposed to be provided in open_api.selected_methods instead of methods.
  • headers are now expected within network section.
  • Microsoft Excel add-in now auto-save services configuration as long as the modification are valid.
  • Functions generated when using the python module are not prefixed anymore and must be imported from the module corresponding to the REST API.
  • service_host option is now host within network section.
  • update_services_config script now only allows to add services configuration and was renamed to add_config.
  • User-Agent is now pyxelrest/X.Y.Z instead of PyxelRest vX.Y.Z. to allow for conventional name and version parsing.
  • raise_exception is now specified per formula and is not documented anymore as it makes not sense to change it.
  • flatten has been renamed to convert_response and is now specified per formula and is not documented anymore as it makes not sense to change it.
  • caching options are now per formula instead of per REST API and have been renamed. See migration guide for more details.
  • xlwings configuration is now retrieved faster (not retrieved from a file and do not look for environment variable).
  • definition_retrieval_auths parameters have been renamed to match requests_auth parameters for consistency with auth section.
  • Update is now retrieved as soon as possible instead of only at Microsoft Excel close.

0.69.0 - 2018-12-03


  • OAuth2 parameters should now match the one handled by requests_auth.


  • Provide UDF book name, sheet name and cell address within X-Pxl-Cell header.
  • Send OAuth2 token within Authorization header by default.
  • Allow to specify header name and header value for the non-standard OAuth2 services.
  • Logs are now identifying the Book, Sheet and Cell performing the call.
  • Document value 303 in wait_for_status pyxelrest_get_url parameter.
  • Rely on latest official xlwings release (0.14.1).
  • Allow to cache GET requests results.
  • Support all authentication mechanism.
  • Ease up usage of pyxelrest as a python module.
  • Add parameter to configure result flatten, raising of exceptions and udf name prefix.


  • Do not truncate logs in case of error reception from REST api call.
  • Do not limit values of NumericUpDown within add-in configuration form.
  • Update dependencies to latest version.
  • Handle . (dot) in parameter name.
  • Properly check that logs folder does not exists (warning was always issued).
  • Previous results are now cleared when using asynchronous UDFs with shifted results.
  • Make sure null values are sent in array only if swagger explicitly state that null values are allowed.
  • Handle date and date-time prior or equal to 1970-01-01T01:00:00+00:00
  • Support for pip > 9 (shipped with recent Python versions).
  • Handle more than one leading underscore in field name.
  • Send date as ISO Format instead of a datetime.

[0.68.4] - 2018-08-07


  • First cell in case of an asynchronous call will now contains "Formula" instead of being blank. To help users in case of non-shifted results.

[0.68.3] - 2018-08-05


  • Allow to authenticate for OpenAPI definition retrieval.
  • "Save configuration" button is now grey when deactivated (instead of a lighter green).
  • Allow to select a file when providing an OpenAPI definition.
  • Disable the "Save configuration" button by default. Only activate when an actual modification occurred.


  • Handle object parameter without ref in schema but properties instead.
  • Add a ClickOnce version number for the add-in.
  • Handle enum on numbers.
  • Update now longer considered as ongoing if process is killed while updating. This was preventing automatic upgrade.
  • Services configuration file is now created by add-in if needed. Previously generating an error.
  • Logs folder is now created by add-in if needed. Previously generating an error.
  • Default logs folder is now created by pyxelrest if needed. Previously generating an error in case default logging should be used.
  • In case asynchronous calls are not shifted and result is on a single cell, result was not displayed. It is now shifted in this case.

[0.68.2] - 2018-07-26


  • Convert array parameters to the proper type whenever possible (integers, float, date and date-time).
  • Allow to load UDFs even if UDFs are not loaded at startup.
  • Update requests dependency to latest version (2.19.1)
  • Fix PyYaml version (as it is not fixed by Pyaml) and update it to latest stable one (3.13)

[0.68.1] - 2018-06-21


  • XlWings users using RunPython were not able to access the workbook.

[0.68.0] - 2018-06-08


  • Update the usage of xlwings to be able to switch to the official version (possible since 0.11.8).
  • Allow to provide extra python modules in configuration.
  • Increment python-dateutil dependency to latest version (2.7.3)


  • Environment variables were not interpreted anymore for headers and api_key since 0.67.0
  • Minimum length of arrays were not properly checked, leading to invalid rejection.
  • Prompt user only once per update.
  • Return a proper error message in case asynchronous method is called by VBA.
  • Allow to switch a configuration to VBA compatible only using add-in.
  • Use xlwings ndim option to convert arrays
  • Look for more than one location to ensure that "Programmatic Access to VBA Project" is enabled.
  • Error message is now displayed in case results should be shifted.

[0.67.0] - 2018-05-07


  • Previous services configuration files are not compatible anymore but convert is performed when updating.
  • XlWings fork updated to latest xlwings version (0.11.7)


  • Microsoft Excel add-in allows to select services from within a list as well as manually.
  • Services configuration are kept up to date on Microsoft Excel start.
  • Services configuration are kept up to date with latest version when editing configurations.
  • Use YAML format for configuration (remove restriction on the content of values).
  • Services are now loaded even if a service name is duplicated.
  • Allow to avoid auto update of some fields within configuration.
  • Allow to select services affected by an action during auto update.
  • Allow to exclude OpenAPI tags.
  • Allow to include or exclude OpenAPI operation_ids.
  • Experimental support for Asynchronous UDFs.
  • Allow to shift results by one column to the right.
  • Additional dependencies can be installed via extra_requires.
  • Optional UDF parameters can be hidden.


  • If UDFs are not generated at startup according to user configuration. checkbox is now reflecting it.
  • Microsoft Excel only allows 3 lines of UDF parameter description. Avoid one line per restricted values.
  • UDF Parameter description now contains default value.
  • Handle more parameter checks (maximum, exclusiveMaximum, minimum, exclusiveMinimum, maxLength, minLength, maxItems, minItems, uniqueItems, multipleOf)
  • collectionFormat was ignored and considered as multi. It is now properly handled.
  • Return a list with one string item in case response from server is not JSON but JSON was expected.
  • Exceptions were not properly handled on workbook activation event.
  • PyxelRest service now allows to specify authentication.
  • Update Notification window will now be raised on forefront to prevent user missing it.
  • Consider float value sent for a string field as an integer string value if there is no decimal (send 1.0 as '1').
  • When receiving a single row and an array of array is expected, an array containing this single row (as one array) should now be sent.
  • Allow to send non-described body.

[0.66.0] - 2018-03-30


  • Add field type and restricted values to UDF parameter documentation.
  • Depends on the brand new official pywin32 package (pipywin32 is now only a proxy to pywin32).
  • add-in installation script no longer have mandatory parameters.

[0.65.0] - 2018-03-28


  • tags property do not exists anymore. Instead it is now available as key within advanced_configuration property (value separator is now semicolon).


  • Allow to prevent generation of user defined functions at Microsoft Excel startup (see README for more information).
  • Handle asynchronous REST APIs (HTTP 202 status code response).
  • Provide ability to send custom GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests thanks to definition of a pyxelrest service.
  • Reduce code duplication in generated user defined function python file. Should result in a faster loading.
  • Allow to post/put dictionaries and lists easily.
  • Allow to post/put files by specifying content or file path.
  • Display PyxelRest python module version in Microsoft Excel add-in.
  • Auto update is not semi silent anymore and is providing information on every updating step.
  • Less verbose error message in case a configuration file provided as a URL cannot be reached.
  • Ability to generate both synchronous and asynchronous user defined functions.
  • Allow same parameter name within different location.
  • Python module users can now use a different logging and/or services configuration file path.


  • Auto update settings were not saved.
  • Array parameters are now always sent as array (was not the case for length 1 arrays).
  • boolean and date-time arrays of length > 1 were not sent properly (not as boolean and not as ISO8601 formatted date-time)
  • Update logs will now contains information about the whole upgrade process.
  • Reject with a user friendly error message in case a date or date time is sent instead of a string.
  • Send number formatted values as string if required by the OpenAPI definition.
  • Avoid a configuration update script failure in case file do not exists.
  • Excel boolean values were not handled.
  • None values are now allowed within body.

[0.64.1] - 2018-02-14


  • Avoid uninstalling Microsoft Excel Add-in in case it cannot be installed back.
  • Make sure Microsoft Excel Add-in can be installed in case 32 bits VSTO installer is the only one available.
  • Use latest log4net version and latest version of python dependencies.
  • Handle VBA reserved keywords within uri (eg. /resource/{name}/child/{attribute}).
  • Add compatibility with Python 2.7 back.
  • Handle date and date time after year 3000.
  • Handle application/msgpackpandas with Python 3.

[0.64.0] - 2017-12-20


  • Introduce a new advanced configuration property: swagger_read_timeout. Allows to provide a read timeout for swagger retrieval (to avoid being stuck when service is not available behind an available reverse proxy).
  • PyxelRest is now installed without the Microsoft Excel Add-In (to be used as an external module).


  • Date Time are now sent following ISO format.
  • Handle "attribute" VBA keyword.

[0.63.1] - 2017-11-14


  • Handle basePath ending with slash.

[0.63.0] - 2017-10-10


  • connect_timeout and read_timeout properties do not exists anymore. Instead they are now available as keys within advanced_configuration property.


  • Introduce new max_retries key for advanced_configuration property. Refer to documentation for more details. Previous behavior was "never retry", it will now retry 5 times by default.
  • Update script no longer removes logs folder on update, the whole update process can now be logged.
  • It is now possible to specify custom headers in advanced_configuration property. Refer to documentation for more details.
  • Default OAuth2 authentication timeout was increased from 20 seconds to 1 minute.
  • methods property now have a default value, meaning that by default all standards HTTP methods will be retrieved.
  • It is now possible to specify more than one proxy per service (in case both http and https schemes are required). It is also possible to specify a no_proxy url as well.
  • Authentication is now mostly handled in a separate requests_auth module, this module was refactored to get rid of the flask dependency.
  • ClickOnce application cache will now be cleared after Microsoft Excel add-in uninstallation to ensure that next installation succeed. Installing add-in will now be possible even if Microsoft Excel is launched.
  • Services configuration can now be auto-updated as part of the auto-update process.
  • Updater now display the new version of PyxelRest and is faster to detect update.
  • PathToPIP add-in property is not used anymore.


  • application/msgpackpandas was always requested (if supported by server) even when pandas was not supported on client side
  • PyxelRest is now properly set as a python package and can be used outside Microsoft Excel.
  • file:// OpenAPI definition URL are now properly analyzed by Microsoft Excel Add-In
  • Only HTTP GET results can now be cached as it does not make sense for other HTTP methods.
  • Do not prompt anymore for one update per closed Microsoft Excel instance. Only prompt the user once.
  • operationId was considered as mandatory in OpenAPI definition while it is not, leading to services without operationId not being able to be loaded.
  • operationId was considered as unique within an OpenAPI definition, leading to missing UDFs if it was not the case.

[0.62] - 2017-06-27


  • security_details OAuth2 response_type key is now oauth2.response_type
  • rely_on_definitions property should now be set using the newly introduced advanced_configuration property.


  • It is now possible to override and specify new parameters for OAuth2 authentication URL by using "oauth2." prefix in security_details key name.
  • Security details values can be loaded from environment variables.
  • UDFs can now be synchronous, meaning you will need to specify the result array within Microsoft Excel before the call. Refer to documentation for more details.
  • It is now possible to request more methods than the usual get, post, put or delete.
  • Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in now also allows to select patch, options and head HTTP methods.

[0.61] - 2017-06-22


  • Generated UDFs can now be called from VBA (Using RunPython).
  • response_type can be provided in security_details property in case it is not provided in authorization_url and it is not default value (token).
  • You can now cache the results of an UDF call in order to avoid calling the service once again.


  • In case a huge number of UDFs are relying on the same cell value, some UDFs might have not returned a value. This issue should be fixed in xlwings-

[0.60] - 2017-06-19


  • API Key Security definition support. You should specify your API Key thanks to api_key keyword in security_details property.
  • Basic security definition support. You should specify your username and password thanks to username and password keywords in security_details property.
  • Slight performance improvement on UDFs loading.
  • If more than one supported authentication step is required, all steps are now performed.
  • OpenAPI definition URI can now contains a path to an OpenAPI definition on the file system using file:// prefix.
  • Services requiring NTLM authentication are now accessible thanks to auth=ntlm within security_details property.
  • Dependencies are now up-to-date (jinja2, requests, xlwings and flask upgraded to latest version)
  • Oauth2 authentication response display time can be tweaked thanks to success_display_time and failure_display_time keys within security_details property.


  • content-type header was sent instead of accept.
  • content-type header is now set to the proper value according to OpenAPI "consumes" field.
  • produces, consumes, parameters and security are now handled even if defined at root or methods level.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer should now be properly opened and closed to perform authentication.
  • rely_on_definitions property was not working on Python 2.7

[0.59] - 2017-05-31


  • Add support for HTTPS services (do not validate certificate though).
  • Focus will come back to Microsoft Excel after successful authentication (now performed using Microsoft Internet Explorer by default).


  • security_details invalid value cannot be set anymore using Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in.
  • Regression since 0.58, PyxelRest was not compatible with Python < 3.6
  • Handle all restricted VBA Keywords described here:
  • Handle "type" restricted VBA keyword.
  • All date times fields were still displayed as string in Microsoft Excel for Python 2.7 users.
  • Handle produces section defined at OpenAPI definition root level instead (or in addition) of operation level.

[0.58] - 2017-05-11


  • As OpenAPI definition responses sections is now read, content is validated. Meaning non compliant OpenAPI files (not providing any response) are now rejected.


  • OAuth 2 Security definition support.
  • It is possible to force the port and the timeout used by server to retrieve the OAuth 2 authentication token using security_details property.
  • JSON deserialization can now be performed using uJSON following OpenAPI definitions field ordering. This can be activated thanks to rely_on_definitions property.


  • Results were not provided in case a cell value was expected to contains more than 255 characters (Only first 255 characters are now provided).
  • All date times fields are now displayed as local date times within Microsoft Excel (some were still interpreted as text).

[0.56] - 2017-03-24


  • Connection timeout can now be specified per service (1 second by default).
  • Read timeout can now be specified per service (no timeout by default).
  • Path to XlWings module can be configured by user.


  • "0" and "False" where converted to an empty string before sent to Microsoft Excel.
  • Post installation script was not setting PathToUpdateScript property. Leading to update not being performed.

[0.55] - 2017-03-06


  • Log more client deserialization details.
  • Installer is not assuming anymore that provided paths are valid to avoid failures afterwards and ease debugging.


  • Path to PIP was wrong in case the user is not using a Python virtual environment, leading to updates not being performed.

[0.54] - 2017-03-02


  • Logging is not performed in DEBUG anymore by default. Consider PyxelRest as stable enough.
  • It is now possible to deactivate the "Auto Check for Update" feature by removing the property from the configuration file.
  • Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in is now always generating files prefixed with the date.
  • Default logging configuration now keep only the last 10 files (others are dropped to save disk space).


  • Auto updater was not working as he was logging the update result in a log file we are trying to remove.

[0.53] - 2017-03-01


  • Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in uninstall is not silent anymore on PyxelRest update.


  • Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in is now able to check for PyxelRest update on close and ask for an auto update if available.
  • Logs now also contains requested URL in case of a valid response.
  • Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in configuration can now be user specific and is located in configuration folder.


  • Update will now fail in case of Microsoft Excel Auto-Load add-in uninstall failure.
  • Avoid trying to uninstall add-in that was not installed previously because of previous failure at add-in installation step.

[0.52] - 2017-02-24


  • Default configuration is now using the official OpenAPI example.
  • Configuration files are now located in a specific configuration folder.


  • Logs are now cleared on each PyxelRest update.

[0.51] - 2017-02-23


  • Ability to filter by tags.

0.50 - 2017-02-22


  • This version breaks compatibility with previous ones.
  • To ensure that you update properly please follow uninstall procedure first.


  • PyxelRest version is now displayed in Microsoft Excel.
  • PyxelRest folder can now be opened from within Microsoft Excel (to ease investigation).


  • Python for Windows extension was not listed in dependencies, thus not installed automatically.
  • In case add-in version changed, the previous version was not automatically uninstalled.

[0.49] - 2017-02-09


  • Structure with more than 1 nested level are now handled (Structure with multiple dictionaries on a same level might not be handled properly).

[0.48] - 2017-02-08


  • Help on function is now provided for each UDF when available (first link to be present in provided description will be used).
  • Microsoft Excel add-in now assert that '''Trust access to the the VBA object model''' is activated before trying to perform an action that would fail.


  • XlWings module was loaded twice on Microsoft Excel startup in case it was already loaded.