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ResearchHub Contentful Report & Graph API

This repository contains 2 lambda functions and its name might be slightly misleading. To accommodate this the repository contains two separate serverless configuration (yml) files.

  1. ResearchHub Contentful Reporting Lambda (report.yml)
  2. ResearchHub Contentful Graph API (graphAPI.yml)

The following sections explain the functionality of both functions.

1. ResearchHub Contentful Reporting Lambda

This is an AWS lambda function written in typescript and managed by serverless framework. Its purpose is to generate reports on the content stored in the Contentful CMS backend for the ResearchHub. The lambda queries the Contentful GraphQL API and stores the report data in Google Sheets and AWS S3 buckets.


Install the serverless CLI

npm install -g serverless

This lambda function needs a token for access to the University of Auckland AWS test account. A token can be generated using this utility using University of Auckland credentials.


npm install

Generate Typescript types

This happens automatically when you run npm install, but it can also be triggered manually.

npm run generate

Run reporting lambda locally

We're using the serverless framework to build and deploy the lambda function. Run

sls offline [--stage <dev | report>] --config report.yml

to run the lambda function locally. This should set up an endpoint accepting POST requests under http://localhost:3000/dev/ to trigger execution. The endpoint requires and API key, which can be disabled by setting private: false in report.yml.

Deploy reporting lambda to AWS

sls deploy [--stage <dev | report>] --config report.yml

Note: the report stage is only for the reporting lambda and corresponds to the 'production' version. It will gather information from the contentful 'prod' environment, but the deployment takes place into the AWS nonProd account.

General structure

The root folder contains the main module contentfulReport.ts. It exports one async function which is the entry point for the AWS lambda caller and its only purpose is to run reports and handle error messages. Reports are called from this function in sequence:

export async function contentful(): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> {
    try {
        await runContentOverview();
        await runPagesPerCategory();
        await runPagesPerOrgUnit();
        // ...
    catch {
    // ...

Reports themselves are implemented in separate modules living in the /reports directory. Each report should be contained in its own module.

  • Structure of reporting modules

    There is no limitation on how the reporting modules should be laid out. However, they should export one async function that can be called by the contentfulReport.ts module.

  • Environments

    1. dev:
      • default environment
      • connects to Contentful dev environment
      • connects to data-over-time-dev and content-overview-dev Google sheets ("CURRENT_REPORT_SPREADSHEET_ID" and "DATA_OVER_TIME_SPREADSHEET_ID")
      • connects to researchhub-contentful-backup-dev S3 bucket
    2. report:
      • 'production' environment (called report as it is only for the reporting lambda)
      • connects to Contentful prod environment
      • connects to data-over-time and content-overview Google sheets ("CURRENT_REPORT_SPREADSHEET_ID" and "DATA_OVER_TIME_SPREADSHEET_ID")
      • connects to researchhub-contentful-backup-test S3 bucket

Helper modules

  • Module apolloClient.ts:

    This helper allows opening a connection to the Contentful GraphQL server using an Apollo client. It grabs a token from AWS parameter store and connects to the environment specified in the relevant environment file. Connecting to a different environment is possible by including the environment in the CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ENV variable, for example:


    in /env/{dev,report}.json

  • Module googleDocsWrapper.ts:

    This is a helper for easier access to the relevant Google Docs, which store the current report information. There are 2 documents and their id's are defined environment variables in /env. The googleDocsWrapper.ts module assists with saving the data generated by the reporting modules in those 2 docs.

    For both docs, there are union type definitions that contain the sheets on each of the docs. These are CurrentReportWorkSheet and DataOverTimeWorkSheet and they contain the titles of the sheets in each doc. This is because the individual sheets are reference by name instead their id to make it easier to set up the document in case a worksheets gets deleted by accident. When a new sheet is added to one of the docs the name should be added to the corresponding union type.

  • Module csvUpload.ts

    This module helps uploading .csv versions of the report tables to the S3 bucket configured in BUCKET_NAME in the environment file.

How to create a new report

Each report should map onto one worksheet in the Google docs. Add the worksheet first and then change the code. After adding the worksheet, the name should be added to the union types CurrentReportWorkSheet and/or DataOverTimeWorkSheet in the googleDocsWrapper.ts module.

The GraphQL query should be added to a new file in /reports/queries.

A new module should be created in the /reports folder. This module should handle every operation necessary for the completion of the report. This includes the GraphQL query, data processing, writing the data to the Google docs and uploading csv's to S3.

2. ResearchHub Contentful Graph API

The Graph API lambda function queries contentful for a complete set of content and all internal connections. This can be used to generate a graph visualisation or analyse the connectivity of the content graph.

The functionality of this lambda is split into two modules:

  1. Query contentful and build graph object
  2. lambda function endpoint

The reason for this is that with this implementation the first module can be imported by the reporting lambda to generate a tabular report of the content graph on a daily basis, without having to query the graph API endpoint.

If not mentioned otherwise the prerequisites are the same as for the reporting lambda above.

Run graphAPI lambda locally

sls offline [--stage <dev | test | prod>] --config graphAPI.yml

This should set up an endpoint accepting GET requests under http://localhost:3000/dev/graph

Deploy graphAPI lambda

The Jenkins pipeline can be used to deploy this lambda to the dev, test or prod environments. Creating (or pushing to) a branch with the same name will trigger the deployment process automatically. The prod branch is protected and requires a pull request to be created and approved.


The graph API lambda is a lot simpler than the reporting lambda as it only consists of 2 modules graph.ts and graphAPI.ts. The report for the content graph is implemented in /reports/contentGraph.ts and will not be explained further.

  • graph.ts queries contentful for information about the content graph and returns a graph object containing a list of nodes and links (see below for more information)

    The module exports one function

    export async function generateContentGraph(): Promise<ContentGraph>

    which returns the graph object. The module uses the contentful management API and the contentful-management package to query the relevant information from contentful.

    Note: The module required 3 environment variables to be set up: CONTENTFUL_MGMT_ACCESS_TOKEN, CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID and CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ENV

    Due to limitations in the content model the query has to be run for each content type individually. The queries are mostly the same, except for the subHub type which requires some extra fields (see queryMap variable in graph.ts)

    There are 2 further restrictions on the query:

    1. 'fields.searchable': 'true' to only retrieve content that is searchable
    2. 'sys.publishedAt[exists]': true to only retrieve published content (draft content will always have null in this field)

    The rest of the implementation just loops over all retrieved nodes and uses the relatedItems (+ internalPages and externalPages for subHub types) fields to generate a list of links between all nodes.

    In the end we have to filter out any link where the target does not exist in our list of nodes (this can happen due to draft and not-searchable items existing in the relatedItems field of and item)

  • graphAPI.ts is a simple wrapper for the graph generation module and acts as the AWS lambda endpoint

  • Environments

    1. dev:
      • connects to Contentful dev environment
      • sets cognito user pool for use with UoA test environment ("cognitoUserPoolId")
      • sets custom domain
    2. test:
      • connects to Contentful test environment
      • sets cognito user pool for use with UoA test environment ("cognitoUserPoolId")
      • sets custom domain
    3. prod
      • connects to Contentful prod environment
      • sets cognito user pool for use with UoA prod environment ("cognitoUserPoolId")
      • set custom domain