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mod_gnutls is a module for the Apache web server that provides HTTPS (HTTP over Transport Layer Security (TLS)) using the GnuTLS library. More information about the module can be found at the project's website.

Compilation & Installation

mod_gnutls uses the ./configure && make && make install mechanism common to many Open Source programs. Most of the dirty work is handled by either ./configure or Apache's apxs utility. If you have built Apache modules before, there shouldn't be any surprises for you.

The interesting options you can pass to configure are:

--with-apxs=PATH : This option is used to specify the location of the apxs utility that was installed as part of apache. Specify the location of the binary, not the directory it is located in.

--with-apu-config=PATH : Path to APR Utility Library config tool (apu-1-config)

--help : Provides a list of all available configure options.

It is recommended to run make check before installation. If your system doesn't have a loopback device with IPv6 and IPv4 support or localhost does not resolve to at least one of [::1] and, you may have to set the TEST_HOST or TEST_IP environment variables when running ./configure to make the test suite work correctly.


To activate mod_gnutls just add the following line to your httpd.conf and restart Apache:

LoadModule gnutls_module modules/

Module Dependencies

mod_gnutls uses the Apache HTTPD Shared Object Cache to cache OCSP responses for OCSP stapling and TLS sessions. To use either cache you need to load a suitable mod_socache_PROVIDER module, which should be provided by your Apache installation.

It is recommended to load at least mod_socache_shmcb. If that module is loaded mod_gnutls will enable OCSP stapling by default, without needing any further configuration other than a certificate chain with OCSP support.

Configuration Directives

General Options


Enable GnuTLS for this virtual host

GnuTLSEnable [on|off]

Default: off
Context: virtual host

This directive enables SSL/TLS Encryption for a Virtual Host.


Configure TLS Session Cache

GnuTLSCache (shmcb|dbm|memcache|...|none)[:PARAMETERS]

Default: GnuTLSCache none
Context: server config

This directive configures the TLS session cache for mod_gnutls. The TLS session cache is used both as a server side session cache if not using session tickets (for TLS 1.2 and earlier), and if mod_gnutls is configured as a HTTPS reverse proxy also to cache client sessions to backend servers (for TLS 1.3 only).

A cache accessed over network (e.g. memcache) may be shared between machines of different architectures. If the selected cache implementation is not thread-safe, access is serialized using the gnutls-cache mutex.

Which cache implementations are available depends on your Apache installation and configuration, mod_gnutls can use any socache provider. In general you will need to load a mod_socache_PROVIDER module. Common options are described below, please check the Apache HTTPD documentation for details on available providers and their configuration.

shmcb : Uses a shared memory segment. This is a high performance local cache. The parameter is a relative or absolute path to be used if the local shared memory implementation requires one, followed by the cache size in bytes enclosed in parentheses.

Example: `shmcb:cache/gnutls_cache(65536)`

dbm : Uses a DBM cache file. The parameter is a relative or absolute path to be used as the DBM cache file. Note that the dbm cache has a size limitation for entries that is too small for OCSP responses or proxy session data.

Example: `dbm:cache/gnutls_cache`

memcache : Uses memcached server(s) to cache TLS session data. The parameter is a comma separated list of servers (host:port). This can be used to share a session cache between all servers in a cluster.

Example: `,`

none : Turns off all caching of TLS sessions.

This can reduce the performance of `mod_gnutls` since every
followup connection by a client must perform a full TLS
handshake. This is the default because it requires no

Session tickets are an alternative to using a session cache,
please see `GnuTLSSessionTickets`. Note that for TLS 1.3 GnuTLS
supports resumption using session tickets only as of version


Timeout for TLS Session Cache expiration

GnuTLSCacheTimeout SECONDS

Default: GnuTLSCacheTimeout 300
Context: server config, virtual host

Sets the expiration timeout for cached TLS sessions.


Enable Session Tickets for the server

GnuTLSSessionTickets [on|off]

Default: off Context: server config, virtual host

Session tickets allow TLS session resumption without session state stored on the server, using encrypted tickets provided to the clients instead. Tickets are an alternative to using a session cache, and currently the only session resumption mechanism in TLS 1.3. For a pool of servers this option is not recommended since the tickets are bound to the issuing server only.

If this option is set in the global configuration, virtual hosts without a GnuTLSSessionTickets setting will use the global setting.

Warning: The primary key used to encrypt the tickets is generated while the server loads its configuration. An attacker who is able to read this key from server RAM may be able to decrypt past TLS 1.2 sessions and impersonate the server to clients trying to resume sessions using tickets. If you enable session tickets you should regularly reload the server to generate fresh keys. Many distributions automatically do this during log rotation.


Use the provided PKCS #3 encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

By default mod_gnutls uses the DH parameters included with GnuTLS corresponding to the security level of the configured private keys.

If you need to use different DH parameters, you can provide a PEM file containing them in PKCS #3 encoding using this option. Please see the "Parameter generation" section of the GnuTLS documentation for a short discussion of the security implications. Note that to use a custom group for DHE you must also explicitly disable RFC 7919 group negotiation using GnuTLSPriorities.


Set the allowed protocol versions, ciphers, key exchange algorithms, MACs and compression methods


Context: server config, virtual host

Sets the allowed protocol version(s), ciphers, key exchange methods, message authentication codes, and other TLS parameters for the server. The parameter is a GnuTLS priority string as described in the the GnuTLS documentation.

Plain RSA, without (EC-)DH, is disabled by default because it doesn't provide forward secrecy, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 have been deprecated as insecure for a long time and are now disabled in most modern web browsers.


Load this PKCS #11 module.


Default: none
Context: server config

Load this PKCS #11 provider module, instead of the system defaults. May occur multiple times to load multiple modules.


Set the PIN to be used to access encrypted key files or PKCS #11 objects.


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes a string to be used as a PIN for the protected objects in a security module, or as a key to be used to decrypt PKCS #8, PKCS #12, or openssl encrypted keys.


Set the SRK PIN to be used to access the TPM.


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes a string to be used as a PIN for the protected objects in the TPM module.


Export the PEM encoded certificates to CGIs

GnuTLSExportCertificates [off|on|SIZE]

Default: off
Context: server config, virtual host

This directive configures exporting the full certificates of the server and the client to CGI scripts via the SSL_SERVER_CERT and SSL_CLIENT_CERT environment variables. The exported certificates will be PEM-encoded, limited to the given size. The type of the certificate will be exported in SSL_SERVER_CERT_TYPE and SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE.

SIZE should be an integer number of bytes, or may be written with a trailing K to indicate kibibytes. off means the same thing as 0, in which case the certificates will not be exported to the environment. on is an alias for 16K. If a non-zero size is specified for this directive, but a certificate is too large to fit in the buffer, then the corresponding environment variable will contain the fixed string GNUTLS_CERTIFICATE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.

With GnuTLSExportCertificates enabled, mod_gnutls exports the same environment variables to the CGI process as mod_ssl.

X.509 Certificate Authentication


Set the PEM encoded server certificate or certificate chain

GnuTLSCertificateFile FILEPATH

Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

FILEPATH is an absolute or relative path to a file containing the PEM-encoded X.509 certificate to use as this Server's End Entity (EE) certificate, and optionally those of the issuing Certificate Authorities (CAs). If the file contains multiple certificates they must be ordered from EE to the CA closest to the root CA.

Including the full certificate chain is highly recommended because the CA certificates are needed for OCSP stapling.

Since version 0.7 this can be a PKCS #11 URL instead of a file.

On Linux and other Unix-like systems you can create the file with a command like this (assuming "CA 1" issued the server certificate and has been issued by "Root CA" itself):

$ cat server.pem ca-1.pem root-ca.pem >server-chain.pem


Set to the PEM Encoded Server Private Key


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to the Server Private Key. Set GnuTLSPIN if the key file is encrypted.

Since version 0.7 this can be a PKCS #11 URL.

Security Warning:
This private key must be protected. It is read while Apache is still running as root, and does not need to be readable by the nobody or apache user.


Enable client certificate verification

GnuTLSClientVerify [ignore|request|require]

Default: ignore
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess

This directive controls if clients need to authenticate with a certificate to access resources. If a mode other than ignore is used in a directory context the server may request post-handshake authentication (TLS 1.3 only, see below). Trusted CAs for certificate validation are set using GnuTLSClientCAFile.

ignore : mod_gnutls will not request certificates from clients, and allow any requests.

request : Client certificates will be requested, but requests are still allowed if the client does not send one or the provided certificate is invalid. If the client authenticates, the certificate validation status will be stored in the SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY environment variable and can be SUCCESS, FAILED or NONE.

require : Client certificate authentication will be required for access. If set at server or virtual host level TLS connections from clients without a valid certificate will be denied. If set at directory level any requests without a valid client certificate will be denied with a 403 Forbidden error. The SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY environment variable will be set to SUCCESS if access is allowed, additional environment variables will hold details on the client certificate.

When using TLS 1.3 mod_gnutls will request post-handshake authentication as necessary if the client announced support during the handshake. With TLS versions 1.2 and earlier mod_gnutls supports client authentication only during the initial handshake.

If you want clients that do not support TLS 1.3 at all or do not support the post-handshake authentication extension to have access to resources that require authentication, you can set GnuTLSClientVerify request at the server or virtual host level so clients can authenticate during the initial handshake.


Set the PEM encoded Certificate Authority list to use for X.509 base client authentication


Default: none Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to a PEM Encoded Certificate to use as a Certificate Authority with Client Certificate Authentication. This file may contain a list of trusted authorities.

SRP Authentication


Set to the SRP password file for SRP ciphersuites


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to an SRP password file. This is the same format as used in libsrp. You can generate such file using the command srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf -u test to set a password for user test. This password file holds the username, a password verifier and the dependency to the SRP parameters.


Set to the SRP password.conf file for SRP ciphersuites


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to an SRP password.conf file. This is the same format as used in libsrp. You can generate such file using the command srptool --create-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf. This file holds the SRP parameters and is associate with the password file (the verifiers depends on these parameters).

TLS Proxy Configuration


Enable TLS proxy connections for this virtual host

GnuTLSProxyEngine [on|off]

Default: off
Context: virtual host

This directive enables support for TLS proxy connections for a virtual host.


Set to the PEM encoded Certificate Authority Certificate


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to a PEM encoded certificate to use as a Certificate Authority when verifying certificates provided by proxy back end servers. This file may contain a list of trusted authorities. If not set, verification of TLS back end servers will always fail due to lack of a trusted CA.


Set to the PEM encoded Certificate Revocation List


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to a PEM encoded Certificate Revocation List to use when verifying certificates provided by proxy back end servers. The file may contain a list of CRLs.


Set to the PEM encoded Client Certificate

GnuTLSProxyCertificateFile FILEPATH

Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to a PEM encoded X.509 certificate to use as this Server's End Entity (EE) client certificate for TLS client authentication in proxy TLS connections. If you need to supply certificates for intermediate Certificate Authorities (iCAs), they should be listed in sequence in the file, from EE to the iCA closest to the root CA. Optionally, you can also include the root CA's certificate as the last certificate in the list.

If not set, TLS client authentication will be disabled for TLS proxy connections. If set, GnuTLSProxyKeyFile must be set as well to provide the matching private key.


Set to the PEM encoded Private Key


Default: none
Context: server config, virtual host

Takes an absolute or relative path to the Private Key matching the certificate configured using the GnuTLSProxyCertificateFile directive. This key cannot currently be password protected.

Security Warning:
This private key must be protected. It is read while Apache is still running as root, and does not need to be readable by the nobody or apache user.


Set the allowed ciphers, key exchange algorithms, MACs and compression methods for proxy connections

GnuTLSProxyPriorities NORMAL:+CIPHER_0:-CIPHER_1:...:+CIPHER_N

Context: server config, virtual host

Sets the allowed protocol version(s), ciphers, key exchange methods, message authentication codes, and other TLS parameters for TLS proxy connections. Like for GnuTLSPriorities the parameter is a GnuTLS priority string as described in the the GnuTLS documentation.

OCSP Stapling Configuration

OCSP stapling, formally known as the TLS Certificate Status Request extension, allows the server to provide the client with a cached OCSP response for its certificate during the handshake. With OCSP stapling the client does not have to send an OCSP request to the issuer CA to check the certificate status, which offers privacy and performance advantages, and avoids the security issue of how to handle errors that prevent the client from getting a response.

With TLS 1.2 stapling can be used only for the server certificate. TLS 1.3 supports stapling for all transmitted certificates. Mod_gnutls will staple for as many consecutive certificates in the certificate chain as possible, ideally all except the root CA.

Mod_gnutls enables OCSP stapling by default if possible. The following requirements must be met:

  • OCSP responses are verified using the issuer CAs of the certificates being checked, so the CAs must be included in GnuTLSCertificateFile. Providing the whole certificate chain (including the root CA) is recommended.

  • Mod_gnutls needs a cache to store OCSP responses for stapling. If mod_socache_shmcb is loaded mod_gnutls can set up the cache without additional configuration, for other options see GnuTLSOCSPCache.

  • The certificates must contain OCSP access URIs using HTTP so mod_gnutls can fetch responses, alternatively you may provide responses using GnuTLSOCSPResponseFile.

If a server certificate contains the "must-staple" extension (X.509 TLS Feature extension defined in RFC 7633) and the configuration does not support stapling mod_gnutls will refuse to start.

By default mod_gnutls regularly refreshes the cached OCSP responses in the background, see GnuTLSOCSPAutoRefresh for details.


Enable OCSP stapling for this (virtual) host.

GnuTLSOCSPStapling [On|Off]

Default: on if requirements are met, off otherwise
Context: server config, virtual host

Stapling is activated by default if the requirements listed above are met.

If the server certificate requires stapling ("must-staple") or GnuTLSOCSPStapling is explicitly set to on unmet requirements are an error.

OCSP cache updates are serialized using the gnutls-ocsp mutex.


OCSP stapling cache configuration

GnuTLSOCSPCache (shmcb|memcache|...|none)[:PARAMETERS]

Default: shmcb:gnutls_ocsp_cache
Context: server config

This directive configures the OCSP stapling cache, and uses the same syntax as GnuTLSCache. Please check there for details.

The default should be reasonable for most servers and requires mod_socache_shmcb to be loaded. Servers with very many virtual hosts may need to increase the default cache size via the parameters string, those with few virtual hosts and memory constraints could save a few KB by reducing it. Note that mod_socache_dbm has a size constraint for entries that is generally too small for OCSP responses.

If the selected cache implementation is not thread-safe, access is serialized using the gnutls-ocsp-cache mutex.


Regularly refresh cached OCSP responses independent of TLS handshakes?

GnuTLSOCSPAutoRefresh [On|Off]

Default: on
Context: server config, virtual host

By default mod_gnutls will regularly refresh the cached OCSP responses, regardless of whether they are used. This has advantages over updating OCSP responses only when a TLS handshake needs them:

  • Handshakes are not delayed by updating the OCSP response cache first.

  • Updating the cached response before it expires can hide short unavailability of the OCSP responder, if a repeated request is successful before the cache expires (see below).

The interval to the next request is determined as follows: After a successful OCSP request the next one is scheduled for a random period between GnuTLSOCSPFuzzTime and half of it before GnuTLSOCSPCacheTimeout expires. For example, if the cache timeout is 3600 seconds and the fuzz time 600 seconds, the next request will be sent after 3000 to 3300 seconds. If the validity period of the response expires before then, the selected interval is halved until it is smaller than the time until expiry. If an OCSP request fails, it is retried after GnuTLSOCSPFailureTimeout.

Regularly updating the OCSP cache requires mod_watchdog, mod_gnutls will fall back to updating the OCSP cache during handshakes if mod_watchdog is not available or this option is set to Off.


Send nonces in OCSP requests and verify them in responses.

GnuTLSOCSPCheckNonce [On|Off]

Default: off
Context: server config, virtual host

If GnuTLSOCSPCheckNonce is enabled, mod_gnutls will send nonces in OCSP requests and verify them in responses. Responses without a nonce or with a mismatching one will be considered invalid and discarded.

This option is disabled by default because many CAs do not support the OCSP nonce extension. The likely reason for that is the use of pre-produced responses, as described in RFC 6960, Section 2.5.


Read OCSP responses for stapling from these files (one or more) instead of sending a request over HTTP.

GnuTLSOCSPResponseFile /path/to/response.der [...]

Default: empty
Context: server config, virtual host

The first listed file must contain a response for the server certificate, responses for intermediate CAs may be added in the order they appear in GnuTLSCertificateFile. You can revert to the default fetch mechanism for a specific certificate (including the server certificate) by giving the empty string ("") instead of a file path.

The response files must be updated externally, for example using a cron job. This option is an alternative to the server fetching OCSP responses over HTTP. Reasons to use this option include:

  • Performing OCSP requests separate from the web server (e.g. to share responses across a server cluster).
  • The issuer CA uses an access method other than HTTP, or doesn't include an OCSP URL in the certificate.
  • Testing

You can use a GnuTLS ocsptool command like the following to create and update the response file:

ocsptool --ask --nonce --load-issuer ca_cert.pem \
    --load-cert server_cert.pem --outfile ocsp_response.der

Additional error checking is highly recommended. You may have to remove the --nonce option if the OCSP responder of your CA does not support nonces.


Cache timeout for OCSP responses


Default: 3600
Context: server config, virtual host

Cached OCSP responses will be refreshed after the configured number of seconds. How long this timeout should reasonably be depends on your CA, namely how often its OCSP responder is updated and how long responses are valid. Note that a response will not be cached beyond its lifetime as denoted in the nextUpdate field of the response.


Wait this many seconds before retrying a failed OCSP request.


Default: 300
Context: server config, virtual host

Retries of failed OCSP requests must be rate limited to avoid overloading both the server using mod_gnutls and the CA's OCSP responder. A shorter value increases the load on both sides, a longer one means that stapling will remain disabled for longer after a failed request. The auto-refresh mechanism updates OCSP responses before they expire and can cover short unavailability of OCSP responders, see GnuTLSOCSPAutoRefresh for details.


Update the cached OCSP response up to this time before the cache expires


Default: larger of GnuTLSOCSPCacheTimeout / 8 and GnuTLSOCSPFailureTimeout * 2
Context: server config, virtual host

Refreshing the cached response before it expires hides short OCSP responder unavailability. See GnuTLSOCSPAutoRefresh for how this value is used, using at least twice GnuTLSOCSPFailureTimeout is recommended.


Timeout for TCP sockets used to send OCSP requests


Default: 6
Context: server config, virtual host

Stalled OCSP requests must time out after a while to prevent stalling the server too much. However, if the timeout is too short requests may fail with a slow OCSP responder or high latency network connection. This parameter allows you to adjust the timeout if necessary.

Note that this is not an upper limit for the completion of an OCSP request but a socket timeout. The connection will time out if there is no activity (successful send or receive) at all for the configured time.

Configuration Examples

Minimal Example

A minimal server configuration using mod_gnutls might look like this (other than the default setup):

# Load mod_gnutls into Apache.
LoadModule gnutls_module modules/


<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	# Standard virtual host stuff
	DocumentRoot /www/

	# Minimal mod_gnutls setup: enable, and set credentials
	GnuTLSEnable on
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site1_cert_chain.pem
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site1_key.pem

This gives you an HTTPS site using the default set of cipher suites (see GnuTLSPriorities). OCSP stapling will be enabled if the server certificate contains an OCSP URI, conf/tls/site1_cert_chain.pem contains the issuer certificate in addition to the server's, and mod_socache_shmcb is loaded.

Virtual Hosts with Server Name Indication

mod_gnutls supports Server Name Indication (SNI), as specified in RFC 6066, Section 3. This allows hosting many TLS websites with a single IP address, you can just add virtual host configurations. All recent browsers support this standard. Here is an example using SNI:

# Load the module into Apache.
LoadModule gnutls_module modules/
# This example server uses session tickets, no cache.
GnuTLSSessionTickets on

# SNI allows hosting multiple sites using one IP address. This
# could also be 'Listen *:443', just like '*:80' is common for
# non-HTTPS

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	GnuTLSEnable on
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site1.crt
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site1.key

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	GnuTLSEnable on
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site2.crt
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site2.key

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	GnuTLSEnable on
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site3.crt
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site3.key
	# Enable HTTP/2
	Protocols h2 http/1.1

Virtual Hosts without SNI

If you need to support clients that do not use SNI, you have to use a unique IP address/port combination for each virtual host. In this example all virtual hosts use the default port for HTTPS (443) and different IP addresses.

# Load the module into Apache.
LoadModule gnutls_module modules/
# This example server uses a session cache.
GnuTLSCache dbm:/var/cache/www-tls-cache
GnuTLSCacheTimeout 1200

# Without SNI you need one IP Address per site. The IP addresses
# are listed separately for clarity, you could also use "Listen 443"
# to use that port on all available IP addresses.

	GnuTLSEnable on
	GnuTLSPriorities SECURE128
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site1.crt
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site1.key

    # This virtual host enables SRP authentication
	GnuTLSEnable on
	GnuTLSPriorities NORMAL:+SRP
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSSRPPasswdFile conf/tls/tpasswd.site2
	GnuTLSSRPPasswdConfFile conf/tls/tpasswd.site2.conf

	# This server enables SRP and X.509 authentication.
	GnuTLSEnable on
	DocumentRoot /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile conf/tls/site3.crt
	GnuTLSKeyFile conf/tls/site3.key
	GnuTLSSRPPasswdFile conf/tls/tpasswd.site3
	GnuTLSSRPPasswdConfFile conf/tls/tpasswd.site3.conf

OCSP Stapling Example

This is an example with a customized OCSP stapling configuration. What is a resonable cache timeout varies depending on how long your CA's OCSP responses are valid. Some CAs provide responses that are valid for multiple days, in that case timeout and fuzz time could be significantly larger.

# Load the module into Apache.
LoadModule gnutls_module modules/
# A 64K cache is more than enough for one response
GnuTLSOCSPCache shmcb:ocsp_cache(65536)


<VirtualHost _default_:443>
	GnuTLSEnable           On
	DocumentRoot           /www/
	GnuTLSCertificateFile  conf/tls/site1_cert_chain.pem
	GnuTLSKeyFile          conf/tls/site1_key.pem
	GnuTLSOCSPStapling     On
	# The cached OCSP response is kept for up to 4 hours,
	# with updates scheduled every 3 to 3.5 hours.
	GnuTLSOCSPCacheTimeout 21600
	GnuTLSOCSPFuzzTime     3600

Environment Variables

mod_gnutls exports the following environment variables to scripts. These are compatible with mod_ssl.


Can be on or off


The version of the GnuTLS library


The version of this module


The SSL or TLS protocol name (such as TLS 1.0 etc.)


The SSL or TLS cipher suite name


The negotiated compression method (NULL or DEFLATE)


The SRP username used for authentication (only set when GnuTLSSRPPasswdFile and GnuTLSSRPPasswdConfFile are configured).


The number if bits used in the used cipher algorithm.

This does not fully reflect the security level since the size of RSA or DHE key exchange parameters affect the security level too.


The number if bits in the modulus for the DH group, if DHE or static DH is used.

This will not be set if DH is not used.


True or False. Whether the cipher suite negotiated is an export one.


The session ID negotiated in this session. Can be the same during client reloads.


Verification status of the client's certificate, if any. May be SUCCESS, FAILED or NONE. See GnuTLSClientVerify.


The number of days until the client's certificate is expired.


The activation time of client's certificate.


The expiration time of client's certificate.


The distinguished name of client's certificate in RFC2253 format.


The distinguished name of the issuer of the client's certificate in RFC2253 format.


These will contain the alternative names of the client certificate (% is a number starting from zero).

The values will be prepended by DNSNAME:, RFC822NAME: or URI: depending on the type.

If it is not supported the value UNSUPPORTED will be set.


The serial number of the server's certificate.


The version of the server's certificate.


The algorithm used for the signature in server's certificate.


The public key algorithm in server's certificate.


The PEM-encoded (X.509) server certificate (see the GnuTLSExportCertificates directive).


The certificate type will be X.509.


PEM-encoded (X.509) client certificate, if any (see the GnuTLSExportCertificates directive).


The certificate type will be X.509, if any.