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SNAP LXD Removal

File metadata and controls

36 lines (26 loc) · 1.47 KB

###Recommended process to remove a SNAP LXD installation

Installing LXD using SNAP is becoming the recommended method over the traditional APT install process.

However, there may be times when you need to completely remove the SNAP LXD installation.

Stephane Graber (LXD project lead) had posted a response to someone who had posted that question and here is his recommendation:

To Delete SNAP LXD the right way - per Stephane Graber

Execute the following commands:

$ lxc list
$ lxc delete <whatever came from list>
$ lxc image list
$ lxc image delete <whatever came from lxc list comamnd>
$ lxc network list
$ lxc network delete <whatever came from lxc list command>
$ echo ‘{“config”: {}}’ | lxc profile edit default
$ lxc storage volume list default
$ lxc storage volume delete default <whatever came from lxc list command>
$ lxc storage delete default

Effectively listing and the deleting all the objects until everything’s clean.

End of Stephane's recommendation for how to properly remove SNAP LXD installation

Additional note:

Some LXD users have a great number of LXD containers and executing some of these command could become quite time consuming unless you were to build a script to automate some of the steps.

I found a very useful script on Github which automates the first 4 using a python script: