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1470 lines (1008 loc) · 113 KB

17.1.0 (2024-06-20)

This release was tested against GitLab 17.1, 17.0, and 16.11 for both CE and EE

BUG FIXES (3 changes)

IMPROVEMENTS (8 changes)

17.0.1 (2024-06-07)

This release was tested against GitLab 17.0, 16.11, and 16.10 for both CE and EE


  • Fixed an issue where sensitive tokens were not masked properly in debug log files (!1997)

17.0.0 (2024-05-16)

This release was tested against GitLab 17.0, 16.11, and 16.10 for both CE and EE


  • gitlab_current_user returns an empty string for public_email (#6305)


  • resources/project_protected_environment: Removed support for required_approval_count field, use required_approvals in approval_rules or deploy_access_level instead (!1940)
  • resources/group_protected_environment: Removed support for required_approval_count field, use required_approvals in approval_rules or deploy_access_level instead (!1940)
  • resources/gitlab_group: Removed a version check related to commit_committer_check and reject_unsigned_commits that would prevent their use in versions prior to GitLab 16.4. If used with versions earlier than 16.4, these attributes will cause an error instead of being excluded. (!1937)
  • resources/gitlab_group: Removed support for emails_disabled, use emails_enabled instead (!1929)
  • resources/gitlab_project: Removed support for emails_disabled, use emails_enabled instead (!1929)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: ref now requires the full ref instead of allowing the use of the short ref. If you previously used main, you now need to use refs/heads/main instead, for example (!1923)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_trigger: token can no longer be imported. (!1905)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_trigger: Updating the project attribute will now force the creation of a new pipeline trigger (!1905)
  • data/gitlab_group(s): Removed support for emails_disabled, use emails_enabled instead (!1929)
  • data/gitlab_project(s): Removed support for emails_disabled, use emails_enabled instead (!1929)
  • data/gitlab_project(s): Removed support for public, use visibility instead (!1929)
  • master is no longer a valid access level on any resource that supports the use of access levels. This impacts the resources listed below. (!1903)
    • gitlab_group_access_token
    • gitlab_group_ldap_link
    • gitlab_group_membership
    • gitlab_group_share_group
    • gitlab_project_access_token
    • gitlab_project_membership
    • gitlab_project_share_group


  • New Resource resource/gitlab_integration_jenkins: Allows managing a project Jenkins integration (!1919)
  • New Resource resource/gitlab_project_push_rules: Allows managing the lifecycle of push rules on a project (!1893)
  • New Resource resource/gitlab_project_job_token_scopes: This resource sets a strict list of project job token scopes, and removes any job token scopes not managed by the resource. This can be useful to explicitly deny job token scopes on a project. (!1907)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Added support for the use of variable_type (!1952)
  • resources/gitlab_group: Added support for the use of commit_committer_name_check to the push_rules block (!1937)
  • resources/gitlab_project: Added support for the use of commit_committer_name_check to the push_rules block (!1918)
  • resources/gitlab_instance_variable: Added support for the use of description (!1950)
  • resources/gitlab_user_runner: Added example documentation for this resource to make it easier to consume (!1928)
  • resources/gitlab_application_settings: Add support for minimum_password_length to the resource (!1917)
  • resources/gitlab_personal_access_token: Updated the API used to read personal access token data, which improves performance of this resource in situations where many tokens are being maintained, and improves reliability of the resource in high concurrency situations (!1908)
  • data/gitlab_instance_variable: Added support for description (!1950)
  • provider: Added documentation that the use of Project Access Tokens or Group Access Tokens may not work with all resources (!1928)


  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Fixed a provider crash in situations where the scheduled pipeline fails to create (!1899)
  • resources/gitlab_group: Fixed a provider error when attempting to create groups with push_rules on GitLab CE where push_rules are not supported (!1891)
  • resources/gitlab_group_access_token: Fixed an issue with token rotation using rotation_configuration where tokens wouldn't rotate properly after expires_at was stored in state. Added additional debug logging for token rotation. (!1953)
  • resources/gitlab_group_access_token: Fixed an issue with token rotation where manually managing expiration using expires_at would encounter an error after updating expires_at twice (!1916)
  • resources/gitlab_project_access_token: Fixed an issue with token rotation using rotation_configuration where tokens wouldn't rotate properly after expires_at was stored in state. Added additional debug logging for token rotation. (!1953)
  • resources/gitlab_project_access_token: Fixed an issue with token rotation where manually managing expiration using expires_at would encounter an error after updating expires_at twice (!1916)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_trigger: Fixed a bug where applying TF with different users could corrupt the pipeline trigger token !1905

16.11.0 (2024-04-18)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.9, 16.10, and 16.11 for both CE and EE


  • New Data Source data/gitlab_compliance_framework: Allows querying Compliance Frameworks to help retrieve the ID for use in downstream resources (!1880)
  • resources/gitlab_project_access_token: Added support for the use of rotation_configuration to automatically rotate tokens periodically. (!1887)
  • resources/gitlab_project_access_token: Added support for rotating the token by changing the expires_at instead of deleting and re-creating the token. (!1887)
  • resources/gitlab_group_access_token: Added support for the use of rotation_configuration to automatically rotate tokens periodically. (!1887)
  • resources/gitlab_group_access_token: Added support for rotating the token by changing the expires_at instead of deleting and re-creating the token. (!1887)
  • resources/gitlab_project_access_token: Added support for new token scopes related to AI, k8s, and observability (!1878)
  • resources/gitlab_group_access_token: Added support for new token scopes related to AI, k8s, and observability (!1878)
  • resources/gitlab_project: Added support for emails_enabled and deprecated support for emails_disabled, which will be removed in 17.0 (!1881)
  • resources/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Added support for group_inheritance_type (!1855)
  • resources/gitlab_group_protected_environment: Added support for group_inheritance_type (!1855)
  • resources/gitlab_project_hook: Added support for custom_webhook_template (!1862)
  • resources/gitlab_group_hook: Added support for custom_webhook_template (!1862)
  • resources/gitlab_group_membership: Added support for member_role_id, enabling the use of a custom role when assigning users to a group (!1809)
  • data/gitlab_project_hook(s): Added support for custom_webhook_template (!1862)
  • data/gitlab_group_hook(s): Added support for custom_webhook_template (!1862)


  • resource/gitlab_project_hook: Fixed an issue where changing the project value didn't force a new resource (!1871)

16.10.0 (2024-03-21)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.8, 16.9, and 16.10 for both CE and EE


  • scripts/gitlab.rb has been updated for local development to set the license mode and customer portal URL for testing. If you're using a personal license for local development, you may need to update this file temporarily to run EE locally. (!1861)


  • New Data Source datasource/gitlab_release: Allows querying a GitLab Release by project and tag name to get release information or assets (!1851)


  • resources/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: fixed a documentation issue with the use of merge_requests_disable_committers_approval (!1864)
  • resources/gitlab_group_ldap_link: fixed an issue where deleting the group associated to an LDAP link would result in a TF state that required manual intervention. Using a value of true with the force attribute will now remove the LDAP link from state when the group is deleted. (!1842)
  • resources/gitlab_cluster_agent: fixed the example documentation to show the file contents as encoded (!1852)
  • resources/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: fixed a potential panic on the provider that could occur when there was an error editing the pipeline schedule (!1847)

16.9.1 (2024-02-15)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.7, 16.8, and 16.9 for both CE and EE


  • Fixed a Go version mismatch when using goreleaser that prevented v16.9.0 from being published properly (!1839)

16.9.0 (2024-02-15)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.7, 16.8, and 16.9 for both CE and EE


  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: added support for description (!1827)
  • resource/gitlab_group_variable: added support for description (!1827)
  • resource/gitlab_project: added support for ci_restrict_pipeline_cancellation_role (!1825)
  • datasource/gitlab_project_variable: added support for description (!1827)
  • datasource/gitlab_project_variables: added support for description (!1827)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_variable: added support for description (!1827)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_variables: added support for description (!1827)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: added support for ci_restrict_pipeline_cancellation_role (!1825)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: added support for ci_restrict_pipeline_cancellation_role (!1825)


  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Fixed an issue where using characters in the project name that required encoding (such as "/") would cause an error (!1835)
  • resource/application_settings: Fixed an issue where elasticsearch namespace and project IDs accepted a list of strings instead of a list of integers. Providing a list of integers would cause a provider error, rendering the attributes unusable. (!1824)

16.8.1 (2024-01-24)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.6, 16.7, and 16.8 for both CE and EE


  • resource/gitlab_compliance_framework: Improved permissions-based error handling for the resource, so permissions errors don't result in a "provider error" warning (!6193)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Fixed an issue with take_ownership = true where the ownership would only be updated when a separate attribute change was identified. The provider will now always assume ownership even if no other changes are identified (!1765)

16.8.0 (2024-01-18)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.6, 16.7, and 16.8 for both CE and EE


  • gitlab_application_settings: Removed support for delayed_group_deletion and delayed_project_deletion, which haven't been supported since GitLab 16.0 (!1799)


  • New Resource gitlab_global_level_notifications allows managing global notifications for the user (!1801)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Added support for the timeouts block, to allow configurable timeouts for creating projects (!1797)
  • resource/gitlab_application_settings: Added support for housekeeping_optimize_repository_period, and updated the description of housekeeping_enabled to be more descriptive of what fields were required for a successful apply (!1777)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Added support for shared_with_groups which includes groups that are shared with the project (!1795)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Added support for shared_with_groups which includes groups that are shared with the group (!1769)
  • datasource/gitlab_user: Added support for the is_bot attribute (!1798)
  • datasource/gitlab_users: Added support for the is_bot attribute (!1798)


  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Fixed an issue where deleting the pipeline associated to the variable outside of terraform would cause the resource to be stuck in an error state (!1796)
  • resource/gitlab_project_hook: Fixed an issue where changing the URL of a webhook would delete the associated token. Changing the URL will now force a new webhook to be created (!1794)

16.7.0 (2024-01-08)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.5, 16.6, and 16.7 for both CE and EE


  • This release updates the recommended Terraform version for this Provider from 1.0.0 to 1.4.0, and updates the version of Terraform we use for CI/CD to 1.4.0 as a result. This is related to a bug that was fixed in Terraform 1.4.0 related to how complex objects are compared. Without using Terraform 1.4.0, the provider cannot guarantee that plan output using nested objects is the same every time. Prior versions will likely still result in a successul plan and apply, but we will ask you to update prior to assisting with issue triage.


  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Updating allowed_to_push will no longer destroy and re-create branch protection, it will instead update it in-place (!1593)
  • resource/gitlab_group_issue_board: Issue boards now supports the use of scoped labels, and label position can be explicitly configured (!1771)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add support for group_runners_enabled (!1735)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Groups with many projects will now be retrieved significantly faster (!1770)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add support for group_runners_enabled (!1735)


  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Fixed an issue where a pipeline schedule with no owner could cause a provider panic (!1762)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Fixed an issue with force that could cause an error when attempting to delete an ldap link (!1757)

16.6.0 (2023-11-16)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.4, 16.5, and 16.6 for both CE and EE


  • Attempting to use the gitlab_users datasource with sort will not return users in the specified sort order when used with GitLab 16.6.0, as GitLab 16.6.0 uses relevancy sorting and ignores sort. This will be resolved with GitLab 16.6.1.


  • New Resource: gitlab_project_level_notifications allows managing notification events for project (!1715)
  • resource/gitlab_project_approval_rule: added support for applies_to_all_protected_branches (!1755)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: added support for take_ownership, which will take ownership of the pipeline schedule prior to attempting an update (!1745)
  • resource/gitlab_group: added support for push_rules (!1730)


  • resource/gitlab_user_runner: Fixed an issue where not including maximum_timeout could cause an issue when updating the runner (!1758)
  • datasource/gitlab_user: When using email, the the data source will now return the first user returned from the API instead of encountering an error when more than one is identified. When used with GitLab 16.6.0, this will always be the exact match if an exact match is available. (!1743)

16.5.0 (2023-10-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.3, 16.4, and 16.5 for both CE and EE


  • New Resource: gitlab_group_protected_environment allows managing group-level protected environments (!1707)
  • resource/gitlab_user_sshkey: Added support for creating an SSH key for the current user by making user_id optional (!1726)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Added support for managing the shared_runners_setting attribute (!1710)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Added support for creating an empty repository using the empty_repo attribute (!1713)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Added support for the public_jobs attribute, deprecating the old public_builds attribute (!1700)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Added support for reading the empty_repo attribute (!1713)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Added support for reading the empty_repo attribute (!1713)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Added support for reading the shared_runner_setting attribute (!1717)
  • datasource/gitlab_groups: Added support for reading the shared_runner_setting attribute (!1717)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_subgroups: Added support for reading the shared_runner_setting attribute (!1719)


  • resource/gitlab_group: Removed "default" hints in the documentation, since defaults can be changed by admins in some cases (!1696)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Fixed an issue where changing CN or Filter didn't force a new resource (!1729)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fixed an issue where the documentation didn't contain valid values for several fields (!1714)
  • resource/gitlab_tag_protection: Fix d an issue where the resource read the wrong create_access_level when using no one (!1694)

16.4.1 (2023-09-25)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.2, 16.3, and 16.4 for both CE and EE


  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Fix segfault when using for_each for deploy_access_levels when approval_rules are not specified (!1699)

16.4.0 (2023-09-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.2, 16.3, and 16.4 for both CE and EE


This breaking change was made early for security reasons. If a configuration relies on the value being non-sensitive, users can use the nonsensitive() function in Terraform.

  • resource/gitlab_user_runner: token is now marked as sensitive (!1688)


  • resource/gitlab_project_mirror: Updated documentation to include a warning about keep_divergent_refs default value (!1691)
  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Add support for approval_rules (!1679)
  • resource/gitlab_group_access_token: Add support for the create_runner scope (!1675)
  • resource/gitlab_personal_access_token: Add support for the create_runner scope (!1675)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Add support for the create_runner scope (!1675)


  • resource/gitlab_branch: No longer returns an error when the branch is missing during a destroy (!1690)
  • datasource/gitlab_cluster_agents: Fixed an issue where agent_id was always 0 (!1677)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_subgroups: Fixed an issue where the data source returned a maximum of 20 subgroups (!1689)

16.3.0 (2023-08-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 16.0, 16.1, and 16.2 for both CE and EE


  • New Resource: gitlab_user_runner allows managing runners using the new runner flow without using a registration token (!1618)
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_epic_board allows managing epic boards for groups (!1658)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_job_token_allow allows managing the inbound allow list for a project when using Job Tokens (!1631)
  • resource/repository_file: Add the ability to specify a different commit message for Create/Update/Delete operation (!1629)
  • resource/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: Add support for selective_code_owner_removals (!1641)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Add support for wiki_access_level (!1656)
  • resource/gitlab_group_badge: Add support for name (!1655)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Add support for wiki_access_level (!1656)
  • datasource/gitlab_groups: Add support for wiki_access_level (!1656)


  • resource/gitlab_group_access_token: Require the expires_at attribute (!1661)
  • resource/gitlab_personal_access_token: Require the expires_at attribute (!1661)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Require the expires_at attribute (!1661)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Fix several spelling errors in the documentation that would make examples non-functional (!1647)

16.2.0 (2023-07-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.11, 16.0 and 16.1 for both CE and EE.


  • New Resource: gitlab_project_compliance_framework (!1616)
  • New Resource: gitlab_compliance_framework (!1599)
  • resource/gitlab_group_badge: Improve examples to contain common badges (!1627)
  • resource/branch_protection: Add support for admin as a value for unprotect_access_level (!1626)
  • datasource/gitlab_groups: Add top_level_only support (!1606)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add topic support (!1610)


  • resource/gitlab_application_settings: Fix documentation to list the correct import_sources (!1638)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Previously, name_regex_delete was improperly deprecated. Remove deprecation notice, and add notice to name_regex, which is the proper field (!1600)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Fix an issue where updating a repository file when using the text encoding returned a base64 encoding error (!1642)

16.1.1 (2023-07-17)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.11, 16.0 and 16.1 for both CE and EE.


  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Support the use of the encoding parameter. This allows using text encoding, which re-introduces the ability to have plaintext comparisons during a plan operation (!1633)

16.1.0 (2023-06-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.11, 16.0 and 16.1 for both CE and EE.


  • resource/gitlab_tag_protection: Support allowed_to_create attribute (!1549)


  • resource/gitlab_deploy_token: Fix dynamic username attribute reading after creation (!1569)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Remove unsupported no one value for unprotect_access_level (!1594)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix deprecation of name_regex attribute (!1600)


  • Added a new guide for how to contribute a new resource from scratch (!1487)

16.0.3 (2023-05-24)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.10, 15.11 and 16.0 for both CE and EE.


Since this is a bug fix release for a major release with breaking changes you may want to follow the Terraform GitLab Provider Version 16.0 Upgrade Guide for details.


  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Fix state migration for group_id to group

16.0.2 (2023-05-23)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.10, 15.11 and 16.0 for both CE and EE.


Since this is a bug fix release for a major release with breaking changes you may want to follow the Terraform GitLab Provider Version 16.0 Upgrade Guide for details.


  • resource/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: Fix state migration for project_id to project when already on v16
  • resource/gitlab_project_freeze_period: Fix state migration for project_id to project when already on v16
  • resource/gitlab_project_membership: Fix state migration for project_id to project when already on v16
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Fix state migration for project_id to project when already on v16

16.0.1 (2023-05-23)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.10, 15.11 and 16.0 for both CE and EE.


Since this is a bug fix release for a major release with breaking changes you may want to follow the Terraform GitLab Provider Version 16.0 Upgrade Guide for details.


  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Fix panic when pipeline_schedule_id is a float64 in state
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Fix panic when upgrading from a state that was created prior to GitLab 13.4
  • resource/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: Add state migration for project_id to project
  • resource/gitlab_project_freeze_period: Add state migration for project_id to project
  • resource/gitlab_project_membership: Add state migration for project_id to project
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Add state migration for project_id to project
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Mark expires_at as computed
  • resource/gitlab_group_access_token: Mark expires_at as computed

16.0.0 (2023-05-22)

  • This release was tested against GitLab 15.10, 15.11 and 16.0 for both CE and EE.
  • Note: this is a major release and breaks some interfaces in resources and data sources of this provider, but also drops support for older GitLab versions.


See Terraform GitLab Provider Version 16.0 Upgrade Guide for details.


  • resource/gitlab_instance_variable: Change value attribute to non-sensitive (!1521)
  • resource/gitlab_group_variable: Change value attribute to non-sensitive (!1521)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Change value attribute to non-sensitive (!1521)
  • resource/gitlab_deploy_token: Change resource id format to <token-type>:<type-id>:<token-id> (!1523)
  • resource/gitlab_deploy_key: Change resource id format to <project>:<key-id> (!1522)
  • resource/gitlab_project_hook: Change resource id format to <project>:<hook-id> (!1483)
  • resource/gitlab_group_label: Change resource id format to <group>:<label-name> (!1525)
  • resource/gitlab_label: Rename resource to gitlab_project_label (!1526)
  • resource/gitlab_project_label: Change resource id format to <project>:<label-name> (!1526)
  • resource/gitlab_managed_license: Remove resource (!1512)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Change resource id format to <project>:<schedule-id>:<variable-id> (!1529)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Remove support for auto-encoding logic (!1530)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Change resource id format to <group>:<provider>:[cn]:[filter] (!1527)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Rename group_id attribute to group (!1532)
  • resource/gitlab_service_*: Rename gitlab_service_* resources to gitlab_integration_* (!1534)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Remove operations_access_level (!1548)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Remove operations_access_level (!1548)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Remove operations_access_level (!1548)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_trigger: Change resource id format to <project>:<trigger-id> (!1551)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Change resource id format to <project>:<schedule-id> (!1551)
  • resource/gitlab_project_freeze_period: Change project_id attribute to project (!1553)
  • resource/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: Change project_id attribute to project (!1553)
  • resource/gitlab_project_membership: Change project_id attribute to project (!1553)
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Change project_id attribute to project (!1553)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Require expires_at attribute (!1557)


  • resource/gitlab_instance_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)
  • resource/gitlab_group_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)
  • datasource/gitlab_instance_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)
  • datasource/gitlab_project_variable: Support raw attribute (!1533)


  • resource/gitlab_project_environment: Wait for environment to stop before deleting it (!1509)

15.11.0 (2023-04-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.9, 15.10 and 15.11 for both CE and EE.


  • resource/gitlab_project: Remove specialized branch protection logic for GitLab prior to 14.11 (!1486)


  • resource/gitlab_application_settings: Support can_create_group attribute (!1484)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support keep_latest_artifact attribute (!1506)
  • resource/gitlab_group_subgroups: Support skip_groups attribute (!1516)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support keep_latest_artifact attribute (!1506)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support keep_latest_artifact attribute (!1506)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix waiting when skip_wait_for_default_branch_protection is disabled (!1489)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Fix re-creating LDAP link if it was removed out of bounds (!1495)
  • resource/gitlab_runner: Fix plan for tags attribute to make it order independent (!1492)

15.10.0 (2023-03-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.8, 15.9 and 15.10 for both CE and EE.


  • New Resource: gitlab_application (#1436)
  • New Resource: gitlab_service_custom_issue_tracker (#1459)


  • resource/gitlab_personal_access_token: Support admin_mode as value in the scopes attribute (#1456)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Remove explicit attribute defaults. This solves an issue where newly imported resources may have plan changes for default attributes. In some cases, the new API-based default values are more permissive than the old provider-based defaults. See The linked MR for details. (#1479)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Add validator to avoid leading / and ./ in path (#1472)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Deprecate the name_regex_delete in favor of the name_regex attribute (#1466)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support environments_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support feature_flags_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support infrastructure_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support monitor_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support release_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Mark runners_token as sensitive (#1461)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support environments_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support feature_flags_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support infrastructure_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support monitor_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Support release_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support environments_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support feature_flags_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support infrastructure_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support monitor_access_level attribute (#1469)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support release_access_level attribute (#1469)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Add validator to the id attribute to prevent misuse (#1476)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Wait for the group to be fully created and functional (#1465)
  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: Fix perpetual diff in webhook attribute due to upstream API deprecation (#1470)
  • resource/gitlab_service_microsoft_teams: Fix perpetual diff in webhook attribute due to upstream API deprecation (#1470)

15.9.0 (2023-02-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.7, 15.8 and 15.9 for both CE and EE.


  • New Resource: gitlab_pages_domain (#1419)


  • provider: Support GITLAB_EARLY_AUTH_CHECK environment variable as default for the early_auth_check provider attribute (#1455)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support public and private repositories in import_url for imports and pull mirrors (#1452)


  • resource/gitlab_application_settings: Support "nil" for enabled_git_protocols to disable it (#1457)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Handle 404s when overwrite_on_create is true (#1433)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Don't get push_rules when user does not have permissions for it (#1450)

15.8.0 (2023-01-22)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.6, 15.7 and 15.8 for both CE and EE.


  • provider: mask token in provider logs (#1394)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Add ip_restriction_ranges attribute (#1392)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_membership: Add inherited attribute to include inherited memberships (#1402)


  • provider: Fix early_auth_check always set to true (#1414)
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Fix refreshing shared groups of a project (#1412)
  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Fix perpetual diffs of deploy_access_levels (#1421)
  • resource/gitlab_project_approval_rule: auto-import default any_approver rule during create (#1425)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Mark shared_runners_minutes_limit and extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit as Computed (#1423)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Support validation for all valid order_by values (#1429)

15.7.1 (2022-12-23)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.5, 15.6 and 15.7 for both CE and EE.


  • provider: default to as base URL if it is not provided (#1400)

15.7.0 (2022-12-22)

  • This release was tested against GitLab 15.5, 15.6 and 15.7 for both CE and EE.
  • This is the first release aligned with GitLab. See #1331.


See Terraform GitLab Provider Version 15.7 Upgrade Guide for details.

  • Require at least Terraform 1.0 and Terraform Protocol Version 6 (#1336)
  • Provider token argument has changed to sensitive (#1385)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Support forking a project (#1377)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support avatars (#1387)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Support avatars (#1387)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_metadata (#1355)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Add ci_separated_caches attribute (#1320)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add ci_separated_catches attribute (#1320)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Rely on API defaults to only send minimal requests (#1376)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add restrict_user_defined_variables attribute (#1372)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Add overwrite_on_create attribute (#1374)


  • resource/gitlab_user: Fix suppress logic for skip_confirmation attribute (#1375)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix disabling container_expiration_policy (#1386)

3.20.0 (2022-11-25)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.4, 15.5 and 15.6 for both CE and EE.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_groups (#1252)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_subgroups (#1280)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_user_sshkeys (#1296)


  • resource/gitlab_project: deprecate pipelines_enabled and remove default (#1357)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Support read_registry and write_registry as valid scopes (#1289)
  • resource/gitlab_application_settings: Add group_owners_can_manage_default_branch_protection attribute (#1334)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Suppress undesired diff for skip_confirmation attribute (#1339)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Add extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit attribute (#1232)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Add membership_lock attribute (#1232)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Add shared_runners_minutes_limit attribute (#1232)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Add extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit attribute (#1232)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Add membership_lock attribute (#1232)
  • datasource/gitlab_group: Add shared_runners_minutes_limit attribute (#1232)

3.19.0 (2022-11-10)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 for both CE and EE.

This is the first release from the new project on GitLab.


  • New Resource: gitlab_service_emails_on_push (#1305)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Add suggestion_commit_message attribute (#1249)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add suggestion_commit_message attribute (#1249)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Add suggestion_commit_message attribute (#1249)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Support no one in unprotect_access_level (#1278)


  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Fix check if file exists during read (#1260)

3.18.0 (2022-09-05)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 for both CE and EE.


  • New Resource: gitlab_group_saml_link (#1243)

3.17.0 (2022-08-24)

This release was tested against GitLab 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 for both CE and EE.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_hook (#1204)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_hooks (#1204)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_membership (#593)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_repository_tree (#1198)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_hook (#1221)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_hooks (#1221)
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_hook (#1221)
  • New Resource: gitlab_application_settings (experimental) (#1201)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_issue_board (#1173)
  • New Resource: gitlab_user_gpgkey (#1181)


  • resource/gitlab_service_jira: Support jira_issue_transition_id attribute for GitLab 15.2 (#1188)
  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Add docs that users and groups must be shared with the project (#1210)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Automatically take ownership of projects default branch without an import (#1216)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Clarify value for ldap_provider attribute (#1220)
  • resource/gitlab_group_membership: Support skip_subresources_on_destroy and unassign_issuables_on_destroy removal option attributes (#1209)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Reference doc for required gitlab_group_project_template resource when using template_project_id attribute (#1223)


  • resource/gitlab_user_sshkey: Ignore leading and trailing whitespaces in key (#1175)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix setting ci_forward_deployment_enabled to false during creation (#1218)

3.16.1 (2022-07-11)

This release was tested against GitLab 14.10, 15.0 and 15.1 for both CE and EE.


  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix admin token requirement to check default branch protection (#1169)

3.16.0 (2022-07-07)

This release was tested against GitLab 14.10, 15.0 and 15.1 for both CE and EE.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_current_user (#1118)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_release_link (#1131)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_release_links (#1131)
  • New Resource: gitlab_release_link (#1131)
  • New Resource: gitlab_cluster_agent_token (#1147)


  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Add required_approval_count attribute (#1097)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Add owner as possible value to access_level (#1145)
  • resource/gitlab_project_membership: Add owner as possible value to access_level (#1145)
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Add owner as possible value to access_level (#1145)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add ci_default_git_depth attribute (#1146)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add ci_default_git_depth attribute (#1146)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Add ci_default_git_depth attribute (#1146)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix project creation when default branch protection is disabled on instance-level (#1128)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix a case where a change to a project in terraform can never apply when certain fields are modified (#1158)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix passing false to API for explicitly set optional attributes (#1152)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Fix passing false to API for explicitly set optional attributes (#1152)

3.15.1 (2022-06-08)

This release was tested against GitLab 14.9, 14.10 and 15.0 for both CE and EE.


  • resource/gitlab_service_microsoft_teams: Fix removal from state when integration is not found (#1113)

3.15.0 (2022-05-29)

This release was tested against GitLab 14.9, 14.10 and 15.0 for both CE and EE.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_cluster_agent (#1073)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_cluster_agents (#1073)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_milestone (#1044)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_milestones (#1044)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_milestone (#1044)
  • New Resource: gitlab_runner (#1049)
  • New Resource: gitlab_cluster_agent (#1073)


  • resource/gitlab_group: Allow value 3 for default_branch_protection attribute (#1070)
  • resource/gitlab_project_badge: Add name attribute (#1052)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Transfer a subgroup does not longer re-create the group (#1078)
  • resource/gitlab_topic: Add name attribute (#1095)


  • resource/gitlab_project_issue: Remove Optional from Computed-only attributes (#1081)
  • datasource/gitlab_project_issues: Fix type of not_milestone attribute from list of strings to a single string (#1095)

3.14.0 (2022-05-02)


  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_variable (#990)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_variables (#990)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_variable (#990)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_variables (#990)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_instance_variable (#990)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_instance_variables (#990)
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_project_file_template (#971)
  • New Resource: gitlab_service_external_wiki (#1003)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_runner_enablement (#1016)
  • New Resource: gitlab_personal_access_token (#1007)


  • resource/gitlab_deploy_key: Fully support can_push attribute (#1009)
  • resource/gitlab_deploy_key_enable: Fully support can_push attribute (#1009)
  • resource/gitlab_group_access_token: Support owner as access level (#999)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_trigger: Mark token attribute as sensitive (#1034)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Deprecate build_coverage_regex (#1036)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Add access_level attribute (#997)
  • resource/gitlab_project_protected_environment: Support multiple deploy_access_levels (#1004)
  • resource/gitlab_project_mirror: Support deletion on destroy (#988)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Add execute_filemode attribute (#1038)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Add namespace_id attribute (#987)
  • datasource/gitlab_user: Add namespace_id attribute (#987)
  • datasource/gitlab_users: Add namespace_id attribute (#987)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: Fix a resource ID bug that causes gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before provider version 3.9.0 to return an error. (#1013)

3.13.0 (2022-03-30)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_instance_deploy_keys (#870)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_tags (#963)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_repository_file (#939)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_environment (#938)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_protected_environment (#938)
  • New Resource: gitlab_system_hook (#929)
  • resource/gitlab_topic: Support deletion (#967)
  • resource/gitlab_topic: Support avatar images (#968)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Support using plain text content to beautify plans (#972)


  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Make push_access_level and merge_access_level optional (#934)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Add unprotect_access_level and allowed_to_unprotect attributes (#934)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Use single GET API to read resource details to increase performance (#955)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Use single GET API to read resource details to increase performance (#953)
  • resource/gitlab_deploy_token: Support terraform import (#960)
  • resource/gitlab_project_access_token: Support terraform import (#960)
  • resource/gitlab_project_hook: Support terraform import (#960)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add analytics_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add auto_cancel_pending_pipelines attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add auto_devops_deploy_strategy attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add auto_devops_enabled attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add autoclose_referenced_issues attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add build_git_strategy attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add builds_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add container_expiration_policy attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add container_registry_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add emails_disabled attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add external_authorization_classification_label attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add forking_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add issues_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add merge_commit_template attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add merge_requests_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add operations_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add public_builds attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add repository_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add repository_storage attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add requirements_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add resolve_outdated_diff_discussions attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add security_and_compliance_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add squash_commit_template attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add topics attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_project, datasource/gitlab_projects: Add wiki_access_level attribute (#917)
  • resource/gitlab_managed_license: Add support for "allowed" and "denied" to align with upcoming GitLab 15.0 deprecations (#952)


  • resource/gitlab_deploy_token: Implement pagination when reading tokens to find all existing tokens (#941)
  • resource/gitlab_project_approval_rule: Implement pagination when reading approval rules to find all existing ones (#950)
  • resource/gitlab_repository_file: Implement locking and retry within the provider to mitigate parallelism limits (#964)

3.12.0 (2022-03-08)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • New Resource: gitlab_project_tag (#910)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_issue (#891)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_tag (#910)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_issue (#891)
  • New Data Source: gitlab_project_issues (#891)


  • datasource/gitlab_group: Add prevent_forking_outside_group attribute (#914)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Add prevent_forking_outside_group attribute (#914)
  • resource/gitlab_project_approval_rule: Add rule_type attribute (#916)


  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix deletion drift handling (#924)
  • resource/gitlab_project_badge: Fix deletion drift handling (#924)
  • resource/gitlab_group_badge: Fix deletion drift handling (#924)

3.11.1 (2022-03-02)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • resource/gitlab_project: fix waiting for default branch protection during creation (#908)

3.11.0 (2022-03-01)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • New Resource: resource/gitlab_user_sshkey (#903)


  • resource/gitlab_instance_variable: better error message for invalid masked variable values (#895)
  • resource/gitlab_group_variable: better error message for invalid masked variable values (#895)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add merge_pipelines_enabled and merge_trains_enabled attributes (#900)
  • resource/gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals: Add required_password_to_approve attribute (#808)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Add support for deactivated user state (#899)


  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: fix issue claiming that no valid access level(#892)

3.10.1 (2022-02-24)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Fix issue which claimed that no valid access level can be found (#892)

3.10.0 (2022-02-23)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • New Resource: gitlab_group_access_token (#860)
  • New Resource: gitlab_topic (#871)


  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add printing_merge_request_link_enabled attribute (#783)
  • datasource/gitlab_project: Add ci_forward_deployment_enabled attribute (#732)
  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Add ci_forward_deployment_enabled attribute (#732)
  • datasource/gitlab_group_membership: Support pagination (#858)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Add import support (#771)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add ci_forward_deployment_enabled attribute (#732)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Add printing_merge_request_link_enabled attribute (#783)
  • resource/gitlab_project_hook: Add releases_events attribute (#773)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: Add allow_force_push attribute (#877)
  • resource/gitlab_service_jira: Add api_url attribute (#597)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Add state attribute to allow blocking users (#762)


  • datasource/gitlab_projects: Allow to get archived and unarchived repositories (#855)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Support setting default_branch_protection to 0 (#856)
  • resource/gitlab_group_ldap_link: Fix panic when setting group access level (#873)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Correctly handle push rules add and edit (#838)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Support creating project in group without default branch protection (#856)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix backwards-compatibility with 14.1 regarding the squash_option (#867)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Re-compute path_with_namespace, ssh_url_to_repo, http_url_to_repo and web_url attributes if path changes (#875)

3.9.1 (2022-02-06)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • Fix crash in gitlab_user data source

3.9.0 (2022-02-04)


  • resource/gitlab_service_slack: There was a breaking change to this resource in version 3.9.0 which was fixed in 3.14.0. Thus, if you have gitlab_service_slack resources that were created before 3.9.0, you should skip this version.


  • 0519c96 - Add gitlab_repository_file resource (#724)
  • a915ccb - Add the gitlab_project_access_token resource (#588)
  • 8564a07 - Add gitlab_group_custom_attribute, gitlab_project_custom_attribute, and gitlab_user_custom_attribute (#731)
  • 39b0b6d - Add support for gitlab_group_badge resource (#673)
  • dd0da2b - Implement configuration of the integration "Microsoft Teams" (#308) (#784)
  • febe745 - Add gitlab_project_protected_branch and gitlab_project_protected_branches data sources (#551)
  • b4d4f8d - Support early_auth_check flag in provider config (#787)
  • 1455db0 - Add gitlab_managed_license resource (#700)
  • be59cd1 - New archive_on_destroy attribute for gitlab_project (#816)


  • 9863a61 - Add missing attributes to documentation (#802)
  • 84d729e - Improve documentation around authentication with GitLab (#803)
  • a9edc4a - Add environment scope to gitlab_group_variable (#717)
  • c5a2f34 - Support issues_template and merge_requests_template attributes in project resource (#796)
  • 65b8e9c - Add minimal access level permissions (#747)
  • 12ae791 - Added missing scopes to deploy token (#769)
  • 1455db0 - Update allowed access levels in gitlab_branch_protection, gitlab_group_ldap_link, gitlab_group_membership, gitlab_group_share_group, gitlab_project_membership, gitlab_project_share_group, and gitlab_tag_protection (#819)
  • 1455db0 - New attribute group_access in gitlab_project_share_group and gitlab_group_ldap_link (attribute access_level is now considered deprecated on those resources) (#819)


  • f3b0f31 - Handle manually removed resources (#318)
  • fc84cc3 - Properly allow arguments idor path_with_namespace for project data source (#806)
  • d7059cf - Do not recreate project mirror on every run (#632)
  • e57bf1d - Fix branch_protection documentation (#780)
  • 912b647 - Fix docs for gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals import (#766)
  • e89922e - instance_cluster/group_cluster: Suppress whitespace diff for kubernetes_ca_cert (#728)
  • edda219 - gitlab_user: Do not set skip_confirmation on read (#491)

3.8.0 (Nov 19, 2021)


  • More examples and better documentation (#654)
  • Adding a first complete example code (#670)
  • Support running the provider using an OAuth token (#686)
  • Allow merge on skipped pipeline (#705)
  • support default_branch_protection on group (#706)
  • Bump from 0.50.0 to 0.51.1 (#718)
  • Add squash option (#719)


  • Suppress whitespace diffs for kubernetes_ca_cert attribute (#665)
  • Fix GitLab project membership example (#684)
  • Improve tests for initializing a project without README (#730)

3.7.0 (July 20, 2021)


  • Add protected_branch_ids to gitlab_project_approval_rule (#542)
  • Add most Premium features for gitlab_branch_protection (#556)
  • Adds support for gitlab project badges (#648)


  • Add CustomCIPath to resource gitlab_project (#662)
  • add build coverage regex (#627)
  • Add tfproviderlint linter to CI (#653)
  • Documentation improvements (#642)
  • chore: add error handling to resourceGitlabProjectSetToState (#649)
  • Missing documentation for gitlab_instance_variable (#602)
  • Add support for importing Pipeline Schedules and Triggers (#618)
  • update reference to master branch to main (#612)


  • Fix project approval rule tests (#660)
  • Fix markdown linter errors in (#656)
  • fix: update default branch name to "main" (#643)
  • gitlab_project: Wait for template projects to be cloned/imported (#621)

3.6.0 (Apr 6, 2021)


  • Support the Note field in the User resource/data (#572)
  • add diffSuppressFunc for 'expires_at' attribute in 'deploy_token' (#575)
  • Update to Go 1.16 and terraform-plugin-sdk 1.16 (#579)
  • Bump from 0.44.0 to 0.46.0 (#586)


  • Fix "Run failed" on forks (#565)

3.5.0 (Feb 18, 2021)


  • Add resource for project freeze periods (#516)


  • Update go version and go-gitlab version (#523)
  • Support additional attributes in gitlab_project_hook (#525)
  • Link badges in README to proper workflows (#527)
  • gitlab_project: Check each push rule individually (#531)
  • Allow full_path in addition to id in gitlab_project data source (#532)
  • Update test fixtures for better usability (#535)
  • Check for state change on user delete (#539)
  • Increase gitlab_project import timeout (#536)
  • Add optional mirror options (#554)
  • Remove vendor folder (#546)
  • Add dependabot config (#558)
  • Fix EE tests actually running against CE (#564)
  • Fix EE test mounting license as a directory (#568)


  • fix deploy_token expiration (#510)
  • Fix group_share_group nil pointer reference (#555)

3.4.0 (Jan 14, 2021)


  • Support sharing a group with another group (#511)
  • Support Project Mirroring (#512)

3.3.0 (Nov 30, 2020)


  • Support instance level CI variables (#389)


  • Add the pages_access_level parameter (#472)
  • Do not fail when project member does not exist (#473)
  • Make the runners_token on the project secret (#474)
  • Fix nil pointer dereference importing gitlab_user (#490)
  • Fix unit and acceptance tests not running (#495)

3.2.0 (Nov 20, 2020)


  • Project Approval Rules (#250)


  • Documentation for expires_at (#482)
  • Update set-env github action command (484)

3.1.0 (Oct 16, 2020)


  • Enable custom UserAgent (#451)
  • gitlab_project_mirror: Mark URL as sensitive (#458)
  • Remove old-style variable interpolation (#456)


  • add pagination for ListPipelineSchedules (#454)

3.0.0 (Sept 23, 2020)


  • Resource gitlab_project_push_rules has been removed. You now instead specify project push rules using the push_rules attribute on the gitlab_project resource.
  • The shared_with_groups attribute has been removed from the gitlab_project resource (but not the data source). You may use the gitlab_project_share_group resource instead.


  • If you are using the environment_scope attribute of gitlab_project_variable to manage multiple variables with the same key, it is recommended to use GitLab 13.4+. See this related GitLab issue for older versions.
  • The ID format of the gitlab_project_variable resource changed. The upgrade should be automatic.
  • The default value of the gitlab_project_variable resource's environment_scope attribute has changed from 0 to *.


  • New Data Source: gitlab_group_membership (#264)
  • New Resource: gitlab_instance_cluster (#367)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_level_mr_approvals (#356)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_mirror (#358)
  • New Resource: gitlab_service_pipelines_email (#375)


  • data-source/gitlab_project: New attributes packages_enabled, path_with_namespace and push_rules (#405, #403, #422)
  • resource/gitlab_branch_protection: New code_owner_approval_required attribute (#380)
  • resource/gitlab_project: New attributes packages_enabled, path_with_namespace, and push_rules (#405, #403, #422)
  • resource/gitlab_group: New attributes share_with_group_lock, project_creation_level, auto_devops_enabled, emails_disabled, mentions_disabled, subgroup_creation_level, require_two_factor_authentication, and two_factor_grace_period (#362)
  • resource/gitlab_group: Automatically detect removal (#267)
  • resource/gitlab_group_label: Can now be imported (#339)
  • resource/gitlab_project: New import_url attribute (#381)
  • resource/gitlab_project_push_rules: Can now be imported (#360)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Better error message when a masked variable fails validation (#371)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Automatically detect removal (#409)
  • resource/gitlab_service_jira: Automatically detect removal (#337)
  • resource/gitlab_user: The email attribute can be changed without forcing recreation (#261)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Require either the password or reset_password attribute to be set (#262)


  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule: Fix a rare error during deletion (#364)
  • resource/gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable: Fix a rare error during deletion (#364)
  • resource/gitlab_project: Fix the default_branch attribute changing to null after first apply (#343)
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Fix the access_level attribute not updating (#421)
  • resource/gitlab_project_share_group: Fix the share not working if the project is also managed (#421)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Fix inconsistent reads for variables with non-unique keys (#409)
  • resource/gitlab_project_variable: Change the default environment_scope from 0 to * (#409)
  • resource/gitlab_service_jira: Fix a rare state inconsistency problem during creation (#363)
  • resource/gitlab_user: Fix some attributes saving incorrectly in state (#261)

2.11.0 (July 24, 2020)


  • Improvements to resource gitlab_user import (#340)

2.10.0 (June 09, 2020)


  • New Resource: gitlab_service_github (#311)


  • add attribute remove_source_branch_after_merge to projects (#289)


  • fix for flaky gitlab_group tests (#320)
  • Creating custom skip function for group_ldap_link tests. (#328)

2.9.0 (June 01, 2020)


  • New DataSource: gitlab_projects (#279)
  • New Resource: gitlab_deploy_token (#284)


  • Add management_project_id for Group and Project Clusters (#301)

2.8.0 (May 28, 2020)


  • New Resource: gitlab_group_ldap_link (#296, #316)


  • Update resource gitlab_group_label to read labels from all pages (#302)
  • Provide a way to specify client cert and key (#315)


  • Increase MaxIdleConnsPerHost in http.Transport (#305)

2.7.0 (May 20, 2020)

  • Implement masked parameters for gitlab_group_variable (#271)

2.6.0 (April 08, 2020)


  • Add jira flags (#274)

2.5.1 (April 06, 2020)


  • Support for soft-delete of groups and projects in Gitlab Enterprise Edition (#282, #283, #285, #291)


  • Switched from Travis CI to Github Actions (#216)

2.5.0 (December 05, 2019)


  • Implement lfs_enabled, request_access_enabled, and pipelines_enabled parameters for gitlab_project (#225, #226, #227)


  • Fix label support when there is more than 20 labels on a project (#229)
  • Enable environment_scope for gitlab_project_variable lookup (#228)
  • Fix users data source when there is more than 20 users returned (#230)

2.4.0 (November 28, 2019)


  • New Resource: gitlab_group_label (#186)
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_cluster (#178)
  • New Resource: gitlab_pipeline_schedule_variable (#204)


  • Add runners_token to gitlab groups (#218)
  • Add reset_password to gitlab_user (#127)
  • Update access_level available values (#220)
  • Make read callbacks graceful for gitlab_project_share_group, gitlab_branch_protection and gitlab_label resources (#223)


  • Fix state not being updated for gitlab_branch_protection (#166)
  • Set ForceNew for gitlab_pipeline_schedule project (#203)

2.3.0 (October 17, 2019)

We would like to thank Gitlab, which has provided us a EE license. This project is now tested against Gitlab CE and Gitlab EE.


  • New Resource: gitlab_project_push_rules (#163)
  • New Resource: gitlab_deploy_key_enable (#176)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_share_group (#167)


  • Add initialize_with_readme to gitlab_project (#179)
  • Add support for more variable options (#169)
  • Documentation improvements (#168, #187, #171)


  • Fix tag protection URL (#156)
  • Properly manage the default branch in a git repo (#158)
  • Resolve triggers pagination issue by calling GetPipelineTrigger (#173)

2.2.0 (June 12, 2019)


  • New Resource: gitlab_service_jira (#101)
  • New Resource: gitlab_pipeline_schedule (#116)


  • Add archived argument to gitlab_project (#148)
  • Add managed argument to gitlab_project_cluster (#137)

2.1.0 (May 29, 2019)


  • New Datasource: gitlab_group (#129)

2.0.0 (May 23, 2019)

This is the first release to support Terraform 0.12.


  • all: Previous versions of this provider silently removed state from state when Gitlab returned an error 404. Now we error on this and you must reconciliate the state (e.g. terraform state rm). We have done this because we can not make the difference between permission denied and resources removed outside of terraform (gitlab returns 404 in both cases) (#130)


  • New Resource: gitlab_tag_protection (#125)


  • Add container_registry_enabled argument to gitlab_project (#115)
  • Add shared_runners_enabled argument to gitlab_project (#134 #104)

1.3.0 (May 03, 2019)


  • New Resource: gitlab_service_slack (#96)
  • New Resource: gitlab_branch_protection (#68)


  • Support for request/response logging when >DEBUG severity is set (#93)
  • Datasource gitlab_user supports user_id, email lookup and return lots of new attributes (#102)
  • Resource gitlab_deploy_key can now be imported (#197)
  • Add tags attribute for gitlab_project (#106)


1.2.0 (February 19, 2019)


  • New Datasource: gitlab_users (#79)
  • New Resource: gitlab_pipeline_trigger (#82)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_cluster (#87)


  • Supports "No one" and "maintainer" permissions (#83)
  • gitlab_project.shared_with_groups is now order-independent (#86)
  • add merge_method, only_allow_merge_if_*, approvals_before_merge parameters to gitlab_project (#72, #88)

1.1.0 (January 14, 2019)


  • New Resource: gitlab_project_membership
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_membership (#8)
  • New Resource: gitlab_project_variable (#47)
  • New Resource: gitlab_group_variable (#47)


gitlab_project_membership is not compatible with a previous unreleased version due to an id change resource will need to be reimported manually e.g

terraform state rm
terraform import 12345:1337

1.0.0 (October 06, 2017)


  • This provider now uses the v4 api. It means that if you set up a custom API url, you need to update it to use the /api/v4 url. As a side effect, we no longer support Gitlab < 9.0. (#20)
  • We now support Parent ID for gitlab_groups. However, due to a limitation in the gitlab API, changing a Parent ID requires destroying and recreating the group. Since previous versions of this provider did not support it, there are chances that terraform will try do delete all your nested group when you update to 1.0.0. A workaround to prevent this is to use the ignore_changes lifecycle parameter. (#28)
resource "gitlab_group" "nested_group" {
  name = "bar-name-%d"
  path = "bar-path-%d"
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = ["parent_id"]


  • New Resource: gitlab_user (#23)
  • New Resource: gitlab_label (#22)


  • Add cacert_file and insecure options to the provider. (#5)
  • Fix race conditions with gitlab_project deletion. (#19)
  • Add parent_id argument to gitlab_group. (#28)
  • Add support for gitlab_project import. (#30)
  • Add support for gitlab_groups import. (#31)
  • Add path argument for gitlab_project. (#21)
  • Fix indempotency issue with gitlab_deploy_key and white spaces. (#34)

0.1.0 (June 20, 2017)


  • Same functionality as that of Terraform 0.9.8. Repacked as part of Provider Splitout