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Codemagic CI/CD

Codemagic CI/CD

Cloud-based continuous integration and delivery for Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native, Cordova and Ionic projects

by NevercodeHQ66,820 installs


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Supported languages

JavaScript, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, Dart, and Swift

Improve your workflow with continuous integration and delivery for Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native, Cordova and Ionic projects. Codemagic is always up to date with the latest developer tools to equip you with everything you need to build quality mobile apps. Run any scripts with the highly customizable codemagic.yaml, and publish to App Store Connect, Google Play or any other service.

Automatic iOS code signing

Let Codemagic take care of creating and managing iOS certificates and provisioning profiles for you thanks to the integration with Apple Developer Portal.

Powerful macOS and Linux machines

Easily switch between standard and premium macOS and Linux machines.

Customizable YAML workflows

Use any tools and custom scripting to create workflows that suit your needs.

Deploy anywhere

Publish to App Store Connect, Google Play, Firebase App Distribution or any other service.

Pay-as-you-go pricing with a $299/month cap and a free tier

Personal accounts get 500 free build minutes that renew every month. Enable billing if you need extra build time or work as a team. Only pay for what you use with the maximum cost capped at $299/month. Request a quote for an Enterprise plan.

Responsive community

Get in touch with the Codemagic team and other developers in our responsive Slack community.

Applications dashboard

Pricing and setup

500 min of build time on macOS M1 free every month. Pay for what you use but never more than $299/month.


Pay as you go

500 min of build time on macOS M1 free every month. Pay for what you use but never more than $299/month.

  • Additional macOS build minutes $0.038/$0.095 per minute
  • Linux build minutes $0.015/$0.045 per minute
  • Windows build minutes $0.045 per minute
  • 120 min build timeout

Next: Confirm your installation location

Codemagic CI/CD is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation