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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Dependency management apps

Secure and manage your third-party dependencies.

Snyk logo



Find, fix (and prevent!) known vulnerabilities in your code

Renovate logo

Keep dependencies up-to-date with automated Pull Requests

Socket Security logo

Protect your app from malicious open source dependencies

Depfu logo

Automated dependency updates done right

Debricked logo

Automatically identify, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in your open source dependencies

Grit App logo

Software maintenance on autopilot

Repman - PHP Repository Manager logo

Repman lets you manage private PHP Composer dependencies and speed up Packagist downloads up to 80% with a dedicated CDN

JS Bundle Analyzer logo

Keep your webpack bundle optimized over time

Licensebat logo

Effortless dependency compliance with your license policies

Tidelift logo

Enterprise-ready open source software—managed for you

MyGet logo

Artifact and Package Repositories: Hosted NuGet, npm, Bower, Maven, PHP, VSIX, Python PyPI & RubyGems feeds

Git X-Modules logo

A better way to manage modular Git projects

Releases Tracker logo

Keep track of new releases

Scantist Thompson logo

Proactive vulnerability management and license compliance for your third-party components

DepChecker Bot logo

Find and fix npm dependency issues during code reviews

Contrast Security SCA logo

Automated software composition analysis at scale

watchman-pypi logo

A bot, which continuously monitors dependency conflicts for millions of Python libraries in PyPI ecosystem

Phylum logo

Automate software supply chain security to prevent malware, vulnerabilities, and other risks

Dpulls logo

Mark a pull request as depending on another

StackAid logo

Fund all your open source dependencies