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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Learning actions

Get the skills you need to level up.

A GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo

Add your recent activity to your profile readme

Action to create a GitHub wiki page based on provided Markdown file

Compile Latex files easily

Template for new GitHub Actions running NodeJS

use the output of other grading actions to provide feedback to learners

Getting the top Hackernews through Telegram

Update a section with random quote/fun-fact on your Readme



A Github action for linting Pull Requests

Exports a subset of a Logseq graph to RDF

Template to create a GitHub container action in Node.js with TypeScript

Publishes repos with Factorio mods to the Factorio mod portal

Auto build issues blog from github repo

Add contextual application security training to SARIF files, providing links to secure coding exercises and explainer videos

Greet someone and record the time

Build repository md files using the slate framework

Template for .Net Framework Action

Create open graph social cards which can be shared on facebook, twitter, linkedin etc

Update a section with given images randomly in your Readme

Generate github repos status using GitHub Actions