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57 lines (47 loc) · 2.66 KB

FsCheck Release

File metadata and controls

57 lines (47 loc) · 2.66 KB

2.0.2 - To be released

  • Update NuGet package with new project home.
  • Add missing frequency overload.
  • Added some more C# examples to documentation.

2.0.1 - 23 May 2015

  • Because apparently there there is some problem with FsCheck.Xunit and FsCheck.NUnit's NuGet dependencies to unstable versions.

2.0.1-rc1 - 23 May 2015

  • Improve asssert failure reporting in FsCheck.Xunit (by Mark Seemann)
  • Add discard method (by Mauricio Scheffer)
  • Fix capitalization of Fscheck.NUnit package

2.0.0-alpha - 26 April 2015

  • Rename FsCheckTestCaseBuider to Builder. (potentially breaking change)
  • Add RequireQualifiedAccess to TestResult and Outcome. (breaking change for IRunner implementations and test framework integrations)
  • Remove Fluent API and SpecBuilder in favor of overloads in Prop and extension methods on Property (breaking change)
  • Add extension methods to allow working with Arbitrary from C#/VB.
  • Rename Any to Gen. Rename pretty much all methods on Any to match the existing methods they wrap on Gen module. (breaking change)
  • Add missing Gen and Arbitrary extension methods and C#/VB wrappers.
  • Make Property a real type instead of a type alias.
  • Add discard (by Mauricio Scheffer)
  • Various improvements and changes to Command interface for easier consumption, also from C#/VB (breaking change)
  • Add explicit dependency on FSharp.Core Nuget package to hopefully reduce version confusion and make things easier for C#/VB users.

1.0.4 - 9 December 2014

  • Add NonNull.


  • Add option to FsCheck.Xunit and FsCheck.Nunit to suppress output on success.

1.0.2 - 27 October 2014

  • Moved default Arb registration to Arb module. This should fix issues folks have been having with the default generators not being registered in time.

1.0.1 - 18 October 2014

  • Add XML docs, mostly in C# API and xUnit integration attributes.
  • Document FsCheck.Xunit and FsCheck.NUnit properly.

1.0.0 - 3 August 2014

  • Start using FAKE to automate releases
  • Release NUnit addin
  • Start using semantic versioning, hence the jump to 1.0.0
  • Start releasing all NuGet packages simultaneously and with the same version.
  • Start using FSharp.Formatting and publish documentation to
  • Start building for mono on non-windows platforms.
  • Start using CI (appveyor for windows, Travis CI for MacOS).
  • Update to .NET4.5 to take advantage of ExceptionDispatchInfo.
  • Fix: sbyte overflow bug in shrinker.
  • Fix: CultureInfo generator and shrinker.

0.9.4 - 24 May 2014

  • Update to F# 3.1
  • Hardened other generators against the new null-generating string generator.

0.9.3 - 9 May 2014

  • String generator now generates null