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Paras Joshi Paarasjoshi
Crafting Tomorrow's Innovations

Graphic Era University Uttarakhand

Jovita Kusuma JujuJuhu
Front End


Emin Kokdemir kokdemirdev

NTT Data Sinop, Turkey

Koushik koushik1223567
Skills: C#,Java,Node,React,Kafka,MSSQL, Mongo,AWS,GCP,Tableau,Spark and DataScience
1V1 Nevening

neven shanghai

Atabey Aydı atabeyaydi
C/C++ software and inclusive programming in embedded systems development, cybersecurity, cloud computing in IoT, Python and ML related to data science

Istanbul, Turkey

Joel Adkins enJOELneer
Mechanical engineering student specializing in robotics and autonomous systems. Passionate about cybersecurity, automation, IT, AI & ML.
Batuhan Kayaoğlu BatuhanKayaoglu
Marmara University / Management information systems


Gülsen Keskin gulsenkeskin
General Purpose Developer

@kurumsal-yazilim-ve-danismanlik Türkiye

Vincent Kyalo br8th
Just another life long learner

Microsoft Nairobi, Kenya

Ken Honda knhnd
Ph.D. (Media Studies). My research interests are related to Media Informatics, Database Systems and Human Computer Interaction.

Faculty of Engineering, International Professional University of Technology in Tokyo Tokyo, Japan.

Ehsan EhsanSZ
C#/.NET Software Developer


Yaismel Miranda ympons
Engineer | Gopher | ML enthusiast

The Internet

Michael Pechner mpechner
Maker. Ham radio operator, NE6RD. Software Engineer DEVOPS.

Pechner Silicon Valley

In Perpetuum Discipulus...Per Aspera Ad Astra


Fede Barberis FedeBD3v
"En la quietud del juicio y la constancia del espíritu, hallamos el refugio inquebrantable ante las tempestades de la vida."