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M.ngugi mngugi
Programming Languages
Gopinaath CT ctgopinaath
DevOps Engineer


Melvin Ng melvincwng
✓ 148 discussions answered

@Thoughtworks Singapore

Emily snoozleEmily
Learning data science 🤓👍

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Sailor Mercury SailorMercury-CV
A research scientist in the field of Computer Vision.
Fu Sai Tnive-fs
a student from hubei university

hubei university 中国

Pedro Euzebio pedroeuzebiooo
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | Tecnólogo em Sistemas para Internet (1/5) | Certificado AWS Cloud Foundations

Redenção, Ceará, Brasil

Kyrylo Bitsay KYRYLO-UA
Python, Luau Coder

Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk Region

Agustín Martina agumartina
Adjunt Professor in Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Computer Engineer, Geek and Photographer

UNC - Cordoba National University Córdoba, Argentina

Olga Lyashevska lyashevska

@NLeSC Amsterdam - The Netherlands

Nandan Prasad NandanPrasad25
A passionate coder, React Developer, Looking for Opportunities , Updating myself to create wonderful websites that caters to changing world aspirations.


salim salimhoroei
!زندگی هر انسانی یک معما دارد
Rodrigo Barreto BarretoEng
Vai um café?☕bem-vindo ao lugar onde códigos se transformam!❤️‍🔥

Rurópolis, Pará - Brasil

Happy wangtiger317
Software Engineer, Web and App developer

My prosperity

Iara Albertoni iaraalbertoni
Product Designer

Lambda3 São Paulo

Victor sekeiryuutei
Ingeniero Multimedia


磅豆龙 FrederickBun
🚩 just do it! / 🔆 @FredericationStudio #Oktica / 12 y.o. / OIer / 🩷 @Rayminn @EvanNotFound / ♻️ Co-founders of @AlignPixel

▲High School Affiliated to Southwest University Beibei, CQ, China