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Homebridge Enphase Envoy

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Homebridge plugin for Photovoltaic Energy System manufactured by Enphase. Supported Envoy-IQ, Envoy-S Metered/Standard and all peripheral devices.

Package Requirements

Package Installation Role Required
Homebridge Homebridge Wiki HomeKit Bridge Required
Config UI X Config UI X Wiki Homebridge Web User Interface Recommended
Enphase Envoy Plug-In Wiki Homebridge Plug-In Required

About The Plugin

  • Firmware v7.x.x. and Token authorization is supported from plugin v6.0.0.
  • All devices are detected automatically (Envoy, Q-Relays, AC Batteries, Meters, Microinverters, Ensemble, Encharges, Enpower, WirelessKit).
  • Envoy device ID is detected automatically, is required to control Production Power Mode.
  • Envoy password is detected automatically or can be added in config if was already chenged by user.
  • Installer password is generated automatically, no need generate it manually in external generator anymore.
  • Support Ensemble Status and Production Power Mode may not working with all envoy firmware 7.x.x, if you get error, please disable it in plugin settings Advanced Section.
  • For best experiences and display all data please use Controller App or EVE app.e
  • Exposed accessory in the native Home app:
    • Lightbulb Power Production State and Power Production Level.
    • Contact Sensors:
      • Production Power State, Power Peak, Energy State, Energy Level.
      • Consumption Power State, Power Peak.
  • RESTful server:
    • Request: http//homebridge_ip_address:port/path.
    • Path: token, info, home, inventory, meters, metersreading, ensembleinventory, ensemblestatus, gridprofile, livedata, production, productionct, microinverters, powermode, plclevel.
    • Respone as JSON data.
  • MQTT client:
    • Topic: Token, Info, Home, Inventory, Meters, Meters Reading, Ensemble Inventory, Ensemble Status, Grid Profile, Live Data, Production, Production CT, Microinverters, Power Mode, PCU Comm Level.
    • Publish as JSON data.


  • Run this plugin as a Child Bridge (Highly Recommended), this prevent crash Homebridge if plugin crashes.
  • Install and use Homebridge Config UI X to configure this plugin (Highly Recommended).
  • The sample-config.json can be edited and used manually as an alternative.
  • Be sure to always make a backup copy of your config.json file before making any changes to it.

Key Description
name Here set the accessory Name to be displayed in Homebridge/HomeKit.
host Here set the envoy IP Address or Hostname or leave empty (will be used default path envoy.local)
enableDebugMode If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console.
disableLogInfo If enabled, then disable log info, all values and state will not be displayed in Homebridge log console
disableLogDeviceInfo If enabled, add ability to disable log device info by every connections device to the network.
envoyFirmware7xx This enable support for Envoy firmware v7.x.x. If for some reason in the log You get validate JWT token error, login with stored in /homebridge/enphaseEnvoy/envoyToken_xxxxx token to Envoy from web browser first.
enlightenUser Here set the enlihten user name.
enlightenPasswd Here set the enlihten password.
envoySerialNumber Here set the envoy serial number.
envoyPasswd Here set the envoy password (only if U already changed the default password)
powerProductionSummary Here set the Power Summary in W of all microinverters, based on this value HomeKit app will display power level 0-100 %.
powerProductionOnOff This enable Power State monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.
powerProductionMax This enable Power Peak monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.
powerProductionMaxAutoReset Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset.
powerProductionMaxDetected Here set the production Power Peak in (W), if the Power Production >= powerProductionMaxDetected the contact sensor fired.
energyProductionStateSensor This enable Energy State monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app..
energyProductionLevelSensor This enable Energy Level monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.
energyProductionLevelDetected Here set Energy Level in (Wh), if the Energ Level Today >= energyProductionLevelDetected the contact sensor fired.
energyProductionLifetimeOffset Here set the Offset of lifetime energy production if nedded in (Wh),(+/-)
powerConsumptionTotalMax This enable Power Peak monitoring for consumption (Total) and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.
powerConsumptionTotalMaxAutoReset Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset.
powerConsumptionTotalMaxDetected Here set the consumption (Total) Power Peak, if the Power >= powerConsumptionTotalMaxDetected the contact sensor fired.
energyConsumptionTotalLifetimeOffset Here set the offset of lifetime total energy consumption if nedded in (Wh),(+/-)
powerConsumptionNetMax This enable Power Peak monitoring for consumption (Net) and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.
powerConsumptionNetMaxAutoReset Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset.
powerConsumptionNetMaxDetected Here set the consumption (Net) Power Peak, if the Power >= powerConsumptionNetMaxDetected the contact sensor fired.
energyConsumptionNetLifetimeOffset Here set the offset of lifetime net energy consumption if nedded in (Wh),(+/-)
supportProductionPowerMode If enabled, check/control Production Power Mode will be possible in Envoy section (EVE or Controler app).
supportPlcLevel If enabled, check PLC Level will be possible.
supportEnsembleStatus If enabled, check Ensemble Status will be possible (only fw. 7.x.x), more info in About The Plugin section.
supportLiveData If enabled, check Live Data will be possible (only fw. 7.x.x).
liveDataRefreshTime Here set Live Data rfresh time in (ms).
metersDataRefreshTime Here set Meters Data rfresh time in (ms).
productionDataRefreshTime Here set Production Data rfresh time in (ms).
enableRestFul If enabled, RESTful server will start automatically and respond to any path request.
restFulPort Here set the listening Port for RESTful server.
restFulDebug If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for RESTFul server.
enableMqtt If enabled, MQTT Broker will start automatically and publish all awailable PV installation data.
mqttHost Here set the IP Address or Hostname for MQTT Broker.
mqttPort Here set the Port for MQTT Broker, default 1883.
mqttPrefix Here set the Prefix for Topic or leave empty.
mqttAuth If enabled, MQTT Broker will use authorization credentials.
mqttUser Here set the MQTT Broker user.
mqttPasswd Here set the MQTT Broker password.
mqttDebug If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for MQTT.