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Alek Kundla, Google Privacy Sandbox

Bidding and Auction Services Bid Currency Guide

This document provides guidance to adtechs for multi currency support of their bids in Bidding and Auction services (B&A).

You may refer to B&A services timeline and roadmap here.

You may refer to the high level architecture and design here.

You may also refer to privacy considerations, security goals and the trust model.

If you have any questions, please submit your feedback using the Privacy Sandbox feedback form or file a github issue here.


Multi-currency support means allowing buyers to bid in their own preferred currency, and yet submit their bids to participate in auctions conducted by sellers in the seller’s preferred currency, which may be different from the buyer’s. Broadly, this is accomplished by specifying the potential currencies upfront, annotating the currency of bids throughout the system, and enabling sellers and buyers to provide real-time exchange rates.

The following sequence diagrams illustrate the effects of currency on the system. The example scenario used supposes an InterestGroup with information in JPY, a DSP which bids in EUR, and an SSP which evaluates bids in USD.

Bid Currency support is common to both Protected Audience and Protected App Signals (PAS) AdWithBids.

Advertiser and Publisher Setup

Diagram for Bid Currency Advertiser and Publisher Setup

Advertiser and DSP Setup:

  • Advertisers operate their business in some currency, say “JPY”.
  • Advertisers set information used for bidding (maybe a bid and a budget, for example) on each Interest Group/Custom Audience (IG/CA) in its own currency, say “JPY”. Advertisers must communicate with its buyer to do this.
  • Buyer operates in some other currency, let’s say “EUR”.
    • Buyer ensures that the IG/CA has a currency tag in its key-value server lookup keys, so that it can lookup real-time conversion rates from the currency of the IG/CA’s bidding information (JPY here) to its own bidding currency (EUR here).
  • Buyer pushes the IGs/CAs to a device.

Separately, Publisher and Seller Setup:

  • Publisher operates its business in some currency, say “USD”
  • Publishers communicate this to the Seller’s Ad Server (SAS) through some channel. SAS chooses then to run the auction in “USD”.

Buyer Flow

Diagram for Bid Currency Buyer Flow

  • Seller's code in client (browser, Android) makes ad requests to Seller Ad Server.
  • Seller Ad server adds to the AuctionConfig its own currency, each buyer’s expected currency, and real-time conversion rates, in this case from EUR to USD.
  • The Seller’s Seller Front-End server (SFE) sends a request for bids to each buyer’s Buyer Front-End server (BFE).
  • BFE performs the Key-Value lookup for each IG/CA. IG/CAs which have a currency tag in their keys can use this to fetch a conversion rate.
    • The Key-Value server response, in addition to a conversion rate (JPY to EUR here), can include any information relevant to bidding for the IG/CA, in JPY, since the buyer’s script will have access to a conversion rate.
  • The IG/CAs and the bidding signals both are passed into the Buyer’s generateBid() UDF (user defined function). This UDF needs to be able to handle the information in JPY and a conversion rate. It must return a bid in the buyer’s specified currency (EUR here).
  • This process takes place for each buyer. The results are sent back to the SFE, which then executes currency checking.
    • Bids which have a currency which does not match the buyer_currency are rejected.

Seller Flow

Diagram for Bid Currency Seller Flow

  • Seller Front-End (SFE) looks up each AdWithBid’s scoring signals from Seller Key-Value server, this is totally unchanged.
  • SFE makes the ScoreAdsRequest to the Auction server, containing AdWithBids (in EUR), and the seller_signals, which contain a real-time conversion rate (set by the SAS) (from EUR to USD in this case).
  • The Seller’s scoreAd() needs to accept AdWithBids in the buyer’s specified bidding currency (EUR here) and the conversion rate from buyer currency to seller currency (EUR to USD here) in seller_signals.
    • scoreAd() should also set an incomingBidInSellerCurrency on each bid, if applicable, to aid reporting; in this case this would be multiplying each AdWithBid’s buyer_bid by the EUR->USD conversion rate.
    • In case of a component auction, scoreAd() must return bids in the seller_currency (USD here).
  • The Seller’s reportResult() script now gets the original bid and original currency alongside all of the information it currently gets
    • The Buyer’s reportWin() gets this same new information
  • In case of component auction, the Auction server checks each AdScore’s bid currency against the seller_currency.
  • The result is returned to the Seller Ad Server.

Interest Groups / Custom Audiences

DSPs may wish to bid in one currency (say, EUR) but store values to be used for bidding in another currency, say JPY. DSPs may put 'JPY' in the trustedBiddingSignalsKeys and retrieve a conversion rate from the buyer KV server.


Sellers may set the following new fields in the AuctionConfig:

  • Their own currency in AuctionConfig.seller_currency
  • Each participating DSP’s currency in AuctionConfig.per_buyer_config.buyer_currency

Sellers may set a conversion rate from each buyer’s currency to their own (seller) currency in sellerSignals (which already exists in the AuctionConfig). These fields are optional and have no defaults. These fields must contain three uppercase letters; SFE will reject requests with invalid currency fields. Currency checking behavior is specified below.


generateBid() has always included the bidCurrency field in the response.

This is to be used to specify the currency of the bid.


B&A will use the existing bid rejection metric, kAuctionBidRejectedCount, when an AdWithBid or AdScore is rejected for currency mismatch.

kAuctionBidRejectedCount is partitioned by kSellerRejectReasons. B&A will add two new rejection reasons to the list:

Enum value Rejection Reason Use
8 BidFromGenBidFailedCurrencyCheck Tracks AdWithBids rejected in the SFE for mismatch with the buyer_currency.
9 BidFromScoreAdFailedCurrencyCheck Tracks AdScores with modified bids rejected in the auction service for mismatch with the seller_currency.

These rejection reasons will also be included as a part of Private Aggregate Reporting with B&A. They correspond to enum values 9 and 10 in the Reporting API informal specification of the FLEDGE API Explainer, which are unlikely to change since this would represent a change in the API.

B&A reserves the right to change the integer values of this enum in B&A in the future to fully align with this API spec.

Currency Checking

Currency checking in B&A matches that of the Chrome implementation. To quote that explainer:

  • If participants in the auction need to deal with multiple currencies, they can optionally take advantage of automated currency checking. All of it operates on currency tags, which are required to contain 3 upper-case ASCII letters.
  • If the generateBid() method returns a bidCurrency, and the perBuyerConfig for that buyer specifies a buyerCurrency, their consistency will be checked, and if there is a mismatch, the bid will be dropped. Both the buyerCurrency for that buyer and returned bidCurrency must be present for checking to take place; if one or both are missing the currency check does not take place and the bid is passed on as-is. The returned bidCurrency will be passed to scoreAd()'s browserSignals.bidCurrency, with unspecified currency rendered as '???'.
  • Currency checking after scoreAd() happens only inside component auctions; please refer to this section.
  • sellerCurrency is used in currency checking for component auctions and also has an extensive effect on how reporting behaves. Please see the reporting section for more details.
  • sellerCurrency's one other effect is with respect to checking the value of incomingBidInSellerCurrency, which is not checked unless the AdWithBid.bidCurrency matches the sellerCurrency and its value is set. In this case, the incomingBidInSellerCurrency must match the original, else the bid will be rejected.
  • For each AdWithBid dropped, B&A will increment the kAuctionBidRejectedCount metric and record the rejection reason with it as BidFromGenBidFailedCurrencyCheck. If all AdWithBids are dropped, the request will finish with grpc status code INVALID_ARGUMENT and the message "All bids rejected for failure to match buyer currency."

In the Auction Server


bidMetadata (the fifth argument to scoreAd(), formerly called deviceSignals in B&A & browserSignals on Chrome) now passes the bid’s currency in the field "bidCurrency".

For all auctions, scoreAd() now includes a new field in the response, incomingBidInSellerCurrency. For component auctions, the field bidCurrency is also to be used.

  • incomingBidInSellerCurrency: (optional) Provides a conversion of a bid in a multi-currency auction to the seller's own currency. See below.
  • bid (already extant; the modified bid for component auctions)
  • bidCurrency: Currency of the modified bid above (therefore for component auctions only too).


  • If sellerCurrency is set, scoreAd() for an auction is responsible for converting bids not already in sellerCurrency to sellerCurrency, via the incomingBidInSellerCurrency field of its return value. A bid already explicitly in the seller's currency cannot be changed by incomingBidInSellerCurrency (passing an identical value is a no-op; passing a different one rejects the bid).
  • If neither the original bid is explicitly in sellerCurrency nor an incomingBidInSellerCurrency is specified, a value of 0 is used as the converted value.

Component Auctions

  • If no modified bid is specified on the AdScore from scoreAd(), the original AdWithBid’s bid and bid_currency are set on the AdScore.
  • If the seller_currency is specified, then the currency of the AdScore (if specified, and whether from scoreAd() or not) is checked against it. AdScores will be rejected for mismatch.


For each AdScore rejected for failing to match the seller_currency, kAuctionBidRejectedCount is incremented and the rejection reason set to BidFromScoreAdFailedCurrencyCheck.


Win Reporting

The following fields have have been added to the buyer/sellerReportingMetadata parameter of reportResult() and reportWin():

  • bidCurrency, denoting the currency of the bid field already present.
  • highestScoringOtherBidCurrency, denoting the currency of the highestScoringOtherBid already present.

These will be populated according to the this table in the FLEDGE explainer:

To summarize this table:

  • For both reportResult/Win(), and regardless of whether sellerCurrency is set, the bid reported is the original value from buyer_bid, and the bidCurrency is the currency from AdWithBidMetadata.bid_currency.
  • For both reportResult/Win():
    • When the sellerCurrency is not set, highestScoringOtherBid is the original value from buyer_bid and highestScoringOtherBidCurrency will be set to'???'
    • When sellerCurrency is set, highestScoringOtherBid is the converted value from incomingBidInSellerCurrency and highestScoringOtherBidCurrency is sellerCurrency
Debug Reporting

forDebuggingOnly functionality is expanded to include the following three fields:

  • "${winningBidCurrency}" is the currency tag of the winning bid.
  • "${highestScoringOtherBidCurrency}" is the currency tag of highestScoringOtherBid.
  • "${topLevelWinningBidCurrency}" is the currency tag of highestScoringOtherBid.

These, as well as winningBid, highestScoringOtherBid, and topLevelWinningBid will be filled out according to this table ( To summarize:

  • When sellerCurrency is unset:
    • The bids are all original values from buyer_bid.
    • The currencies are all '???'.
  • When sellerCurrency is set:
    • The bids are all converted values from incomingBidInSellerCurrency.
    • The currencies are all sellerCurrency.
      • For component auctions, topLevelWinningBidCurrency is the sellerCurrency of the top-level auction.


AuctionResult is unchanged for single-seller auctions. For multi-seller auctions, the bid for the scoreAd() result will always be passed back, in the bid field. When specified, its currency will go in the new field bid_currency.

Server-Orchestrated Multi-Seller Auctions

API Updates

B&A has added a new field to the AuctionConfig called per_component_seller_config, which is analogous to perBuyerConfig. It maps each component seller to a configuration object. The config has one field, expected_component_seller_currency, a string containing a currency code, representing the currency in which the top-level-seller expects the component seller to deliver AuctionResults.

The name of the seller in the map must match what the component seller sends back in its AuctionResult.auction_params.component_seller.

The top-level-seller is expected to agree upon expected currencies from each of its component sellers beforehand, and this communication is out-of-band from B&A’s perspective. This matches the way that sellers already communicate expected currencies with buyers.


The expected component seller currency field is optional and is validated by the same rule which governs seller_currency and buyer_currency.

Currency Checking

As AuctionResults carry bid currencies, each AuctionResult’s bid currency is checked against the top-level seller’s specified expected_currency for its component seller. This check operates based on the same rules as the AdWithBid currency checking described above.

However, when an AuctionResult is rejected for currency mismatch, no metric is logged; a client-visible error is instead recorded.

Checking incomingBidInSellerCurrency

If the incoming AuctionResult (from the component seller) has a bid currency, and this bid currency matches the top-level seller’s seller currency, then if the top level seller’s scoreAd() outputs an incomingBidInSellerCurrency, it must equal the Otherwise the bid will be rejected.

This check operates based on the same rules as the AdScore incomingBidInSellerCurrency checking described above.

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