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114 lines (76 loc) · 3.48 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (76 loc) · 3.48 KB

1.0.9 ( 2018-10-12 )

Feature - Added exponential backoff using promise-ratelimit

1.0.8 ( 2018-10-11 )

Change - Wrapped the rest of the API calls in throttle

1.0.7 ( 2018-10-11 )

Feature - Added throttling with promise-ratelimit. Also added an options object which takes 'throttle' to customize the default 2000ms throttle rate.

1.0.6 ( 2018-10-11 )

Feature - Added more caching to further reduce API calls

1.0.5 ( 2018-10-10 )

Feature - Added caching using node-cache to speed things up and reduce API calls out. Caching is based on the calculated query so should be deterministic for a given path/filename.ext

Change - Updated dependencies to: [email protected] and [email protected] dependencies

1.0.4 ( 2018-06-14 )

Fix - Results from permissions.create() included "Id" instead of "id". Fixed and test updated (test was flawed also).

1.0.3 ( 2018-06-14 )

Change - More tweaks

1.0.2 ( 2018-06-14 )

Change - More cleanup and testing update/npm for future clarify

1.0.1 ( 2018-06-14 )

Change - Cleanup after publishing to NPM

1.0.0 ( 2018-06-14 )

Feature - Added the ability to create permissions ( an array of individual permission sets ) by FileId

Change - Refactored and updated references/repos to release as node-cloudfs-drive with future thoughts on node-cloudfs-s3 and such - Fully updated, tested and shrinkwrapped - Will register with NPM after push

0.9.3 ( 2018-05-25 )

Feature - Added mv() functionality that is somewhat primitive, but takes a sourcePath and destinationPath which both must be full paths (including filename)

Fix - Minor bug fixes and hardening

Change - Name change to reflect intent to expand library to other major cloud services - MAJOR change is object structure for constuctor to allow for other cloud services

0.9.2 ( 2018-05-22 )

Feature - uploadFile has been enhanced to support Drive versioning by calling update() instead of uploading a 2nd file with the same name when an existing file is detected.

0.9.1 ( 2018-05-16 )

Fix - Update main in package.json to reflect new lib/index.js filename

0.9.0 ( 2018-05-16 )

Features - Substantial refactoring to further improve error catching and reprting as well as further promisify code, including calls to Google API methods - Added mkdir() method which takes a foldername and optionally a parentid then returns the Drive folder object - Added mkdirp() method which will create missing folders starting from root - More refactoring, standardizing use of "semantic this" and more promisifying calls - More tests for new methods - Enhanced uploadFile so that a full path can be provided and mkdirp will ensure the path exists before upload

Note MORE BREAKING CHANGES - this would be a major version increment IF .... I think I'll release 1.0.0 soon or on the next update, which ever is first.

0.8.0 ( 2018-05-11 )

Note BREAKING CHANGES - this would be a major version increment IF it was released. If you were using a prior version, you will want to see test/index.js and make note of where promises are now used and how to call the constructor.

Fix - Add more error checking and handling in constructor - Address memory leak with fileComponents object

Features - Fully reworked tests

0.7.0 ( 2018-05-10 )

Features - Promisify all public methods in the library - Update googleapis to v29.0.0 - Added tests to confirm some of the functionality - Lots more tests needed