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Deploying GHES on AWS EKS

IMPORTANT: GHES VM does not currently run on AWS EKS because no standard (non-metal) EC2 instance types support hardware virtualization which is required since the GHES VM does not run in emulation mode (see issue #6).

This document has instructions specific to running GitHub Enterprise Server on Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS).

Once you have the ghes-kubevirt Kubernetes cluster up and running, you can follow the general instructions for deploying KubeVirt and GHES-related resources.


  • AWS account with permission to create new resources

Install and configure tools

  1. Install AWS CLI

  2. Install kubectl (standard Kubernetes CLI)

  3. Install ektctl (EKS-specific CLI)

  4. Configure the AWS CLI

    • You should create an Administrator user belonging to a new Administrators group (see steps) and use the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for this user to configure the AWS CLI.

Create the cluster

eksctl create cluster \
--name ghes-kubevirt \
--version 1.12 \
--nodegroup-name standard-workers \
--node-type t2.2xlarge \
--nodes 1 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 2 \
--node-ami auto

Confirm the cluster is up:

kubectl get nodes

Alternate steps (via web console)

NOTE: although you can create the cluster using the web console, it is significantly easier to use eksctl since it creates all the necessary resource (cluster, security roles, work node groups, EC2 instances, etc) in a single command.

Create an EKS-managed Kubernetes cluster

1. Create service role

This is required for creating the EKS-managed Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Open the IAM console:

  2. Choose Roles, then Create role.

  3. Choose EKS from the list of services, then Allows Amazon EKS to manage your clusters on your behalf as the use case (bottom of the page).

  4. Click Next: Permissions, Next: Tags, and Next: Review.

  5. For the role name, use eksServiceRole, then click Create role.

2. Create an EC2 key pair

This is required for creating the worker nodes used in the cluster.

  1. Open

  2. In the navigation pane (left side), under NETWORK & SECURITY, choose Key Pairs.

  3. Choose Create Key Pair.

  4. For the key pair name use ghes-kubevirt.

  5. Click Create.

  6. The private key file (ghes-kubevirt.pem) is automatically downloaded. Save this file to a safe place --- it will be needed later when creating the worker nodes.

For more details, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs

3. Create the cluster

  1. Open the Amazon EKS cluster management page:

  2. Click Create cluster

  3. In the General configuration section:

    • For cluster name, use ghes-kubevirt
    • For Kubernetes version, Select 1.12 (or later)
    • For role name, select the role created earlier (eksServiceRole)
  4. In the Networking section, for Security group, check the box for the group with the description default VPC security group.

  5. Accept all other default values, and click Create.

It will take about 7-10 minutes for the cluster to be created.

3. Add nodes to the cluster

  1. Open

  2. Click Create stack

  3. Select Template is ready, then select Amazon S3 URL and use this URL:

  4. Click Next.

  5. For stack name, use ghes-kubevirt-worker-nodes

  6. Set these parameter values:

    • EKS Cluster: ghes-kubevirt
    • ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup: default (xxxx)
    • NodeGroupName: ghes-kubevirt-node-group
    • NodeAutoScalingGroupMinSize: 1
    • NodeAutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity: 1 (sufficient for testing)
    • NodeAutoScalingGroupMaxSize: 2 (or one more than the previous parameter)
    • NodeInstanceType: c5.4xlarge (or t2.2xlarge)
    • NodeImageId: ami-04ea7cb66af82ae4a (assuming us-east-2 region; for other regions see Amazon EKS-Optimized AMI)
    • KeyName: ghes-kubevirt
    • VpcId: vpc-xxx (this was created with the cluster)
    • Subnets: (select all)
  7. Click Next, then Next again.

  8. Check the box "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources" and click Create stack.

For more details, see Launching Amazon EKS Worker Nodes.

This will take a few minutes.

Record the NodeInstanceRole for the node group that was created. You need this when you configure your Amazon EKS worker nodes.

Other useful resources

  1. Deploying KubeVirt on AWS