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React Js Notes

Initial Setup

  1. npm create vite@latest - to create react app
  2. cd project_folder
  3. npm install - to install node modules
  4. npm run dev - to run react app

Tailwind css

  1. npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer - to install tailwind

  2. npx tailwindcss init -p - to create tailwind files

  3. make changes in content:[] of tailwind.config.js -

     content: [  
  4. inject tailwind in index.css -

    @tailwind base;  
    @tailwind components;  
    @tailwind utilities;`  

Deploy Vite React App on Netlify

  1. npm run build
  2. Drag and Drop dist folder on netlify


Lec2 - Creating Components

  • Creating Components dir in src
  • Creating componentname.jsx file in Components dir
  • rafce - Snippet for boiler plate for componentname.jsx and app.jsx

Lec3 - Components Reusability

  • Creating array and applying map method on that array and returning all the elements of array in html with dynamic values of all elements to display it
  •>(html code))  

Lec4 - Conditional Rendering

  • Card.jsx is used

  • eg:

    <!-- here conditional rendering is used for button color -->  
      className={`px-4 py-1
       rounded text-xs text-zinc-100 mt-3`}>   
    {elem.instock ? "In Stock" : "Out of Stock"} <!-- this is conditional rendering -->  

Handling events

  • Cardz.jsx is used
  • onClick={handleClickDownload} - on button

Lec5,6,7 - useState hook

  • const [val,setVal] = useState(initial_value)  
  • <button
       className='px-2 py-1 text-white rounded-full bg-blue-500'>
  •    <button
       className={`px-3 py-1
         text-xs rounded-full text-white`}>

Lec8 - Passing data via props from parent to child

Basic example :

  • App.jsx (parent) -

    <Card text="Know More" color="bg-blue-600"/>
    <Card text="Download" color="bg-red-600"/>
  • Card.jsx (child) -

      const Card = ({text,color}) => {  
      return (  
      <button className={`px-3 py-1 ${color} text-zinc-100 text-xs m-2 rounded`}>{text}</button>  

Lec9 - Exercise of states and component

Extra : style.module.css also import it for using

Lec10 - Form Handling

  • To stop reloading of page after form submission we use e.preventDefault()
    we have 3 methods :
  • useRef => is tareeke mein hum har input ko select kar lete hai and unki value tab nikalte hai jab form submit hota hai
  • controlled components => updating real time data using state
  • react hook form (mostly used) npm install react-hook-form

Lec11 - Exercise of form Handling

Lec12 - Routing

  • npm i react-router-dom - install react-router-dom

  • import {BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom' - import in main.jsx for using ...

            <App />  
  • Make a folder name utils in src
    inside of utils make Routing.jsx

  • import all the pages and routes,route in Routing.jsx

      import {Route,Routes} from 'react-router-dom'  
      import Home from "../Components/Home"  
      import About from "../Components/About"  
      import User from "../Components/User"
  • using routes and route in Routing.jsx

        <Route path="/" element={<Home/>} />  
        <Route path="/user" element={<User/>} />  
        <Route path="/about" element={<About/>} />  
  • import {Link,NavLink} from 'react-router-dom' - import in Nav.jsx for using it

  • <Link to="/user">User</Link> - using link in Nav.jsx

  • instead of <Link></Link>, use <NavLink></NavLink>
    <NavLink></NavLink> takes a function(callback) for styling purpose

  • In App.jsx,
    import - import Nav from "./Components/Nav" and import Routing from "./utils/Routing"
    use as - <Nav/> <Routing path="/nav" element={<Nav/>}/>

  • Dynamic styling on NavLink

  1. Dynamic style inside {} open brackets and returing span tag
  2. Dynamic styling using style
  3. Dynamic styling using className

Lec13 - Dynamic/child routing

  • Create UserDetail.jsx in Components

  • import { useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router-dom' - import useParams and useNavigate in UserDetail.jsx

  • Use it in UserDetail.jsx

      const {name}=useParams() <!-- for dynamic routing-->  
      const navigate=useNavigate()  <!-- for navigating using button  -->  
      const GoBackHandler=()=>{  
  • Use it in UserDetail.jsx

         className='mt-5 text-white px-3 py-2 bg-red-300'>
         Go back
  • In Routing.jsx for dynamic routing

      <Route path="/user/:name" element={<UserDetail/>} />   
  • In User.jsx, Add Links for directing to particular user dynamically

  • For not keeping UserDetail as separate page and display it on the same page,

  • import - import {Link,Outlet} from 'react-router-dom'

  • Use - <Outlet/> which acts as a placeholder in User.jsx itself
    Also do some changes in Routing.jsx i.e. make nested route User->UserDetail

      <Route path="/user" element={<User/>} >
          <Route path="/user/:name" element={<UserDetail/>} />
  • Flow :
    User->UserDetail(dynamic routing)

Lec14 - Api Integration

  • Show.jsx

  • npm i axios

  • import axios from 'axios' - import axios

  • useState and then make function to get data through api

  • axios gives us implementation of ajax(async js and xml) - fetch/axios

  • Use of axios :


Life cycle of components -
Component Mount (creation)
Component Update (changes in same page)
Component Unmount (deletion)

Lec15 - useEffect

  • Services.jsx, Show.jsx
    to avoid clicking and do direct rendering of components we use useEffect

  • import useEffect -

    import { useEffect } from 'react' 
    useEffect(() => {  
      console.log("Service component is created!")
    return () => {  
      console.log("Service component is deleted!")  
    }, [second])  
  • second - on clicking 2nd button service page gets re-render where as on clicking 1st button service page do not gets re-render
    if u pass empty array in 2nd argument then rerendering of that page stops even on state change

  • instead of importing axios in every file import it in utils/axios.jsx and use it's reference in every page wherever required

  • utils/axios.jsx -

    import axios from "axios";  
      const instance=axios.create({  
     export default instance  
  • Use this reference in other pages for importing axios and then
    import axios from '../utils/axios'

  • Use it as -

      const api="/products"; 

Lec16 - Context Api

  1. Create Context dir in src and Context.jsx inside Context dir
  2. We wrapped the browerRouter and app by Context
  3. We created context inside Context.jsx file

Context.jsx -

import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react'

export const UserContext = createContext();
const Context = (props) => {
const [users,setUsers]=useState([
    { id:0,username:"John Doe",city:"USA",},
    { id:1,username:"Jenny Doe",city:"Colambia",},
    { id:2,username:"Joseph Doe",city:"Korea",},

  return (
    <UserContext.Provider value={{users,setUsers}}>

export default Context  


Complete React js learnings






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