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Based on datasette, data³ (ddd) is a framework for processing data from various sources to produce software development lifecycle metrics.


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Data³ is a toolkit and general framework for visualizing just about any data. Wikimedia's engineering productivity team have begun assembling a toolkit to help us organize, analyze and visualize data collected from our development, deployment, testing and project planning processes. There is a need for better tooling and data collection in order to have reliable and accessible data to inform data-driven decision-making. This is important because we need to measure the impact of changes to our deployment processes and team practices so that we can know whether a change to our process is beneficial and quantify the impacts of the changes we make.

The first applications for the Data³ tools are focused on exploring software development and deployment data, as well as workflow metrics exported from Wikimedia's phabricator instance.

The core of the toolkit consists of the following:

  • provides a front-end for browsing and querying one or more SQLite databases.
  • A simple dashboard web app that uses the datasette json api to query sqlite and renders the resulting data as charts (rendered with vega-lite) or html templates for custom reports or interactive displays.
  • A comprehensive python library and command line interface for querying and processing Phabricator task data exported via conduit api requests.
  • Several custom dashboards for datasette which provide visualization of metrics related to Phabricator tasks and workflows.
  • A custom dashboard to explore data and statistics about production MediaWiki deployments.

Demo / Development Instance

There is a development & testing instance of Datasette and the Data³ Dashboard at


This tool and supporting libraries are currently experimental. The dashboard and initial data model have reached the stage of MVP. The future development direction is currently uncertain but this is a solid foundation to build on.

This project has a wiki page on Data³/Metrics-Dashboard

Currently supported data sources:

  • Phabricator's conduit API.

Future Possibilities:

  • Elastic ELK
  • Wikimedia SAL
  • GitLab APIs


Installation will install a command line tool called dddcli

To install for development use:

pip3 install virtualenv poetry
virtualenv --python=python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
poetry install


You can use the following sub-commands by running dddcli sub-command [args] to access various functionality.

Phabricator metrics: dddcli metrics

  • This tool is used to extract data from phabricator and organize it in a structure that will facilitate further analysis.
  • The analysis of task activities can provide some insight into workflows.
  • The output if this tool will be used as the data source for charts to visualize certain agile project planning metrics.


The first thing to do is cache the columns for the project you're interested in. This will speed up future actions because it avoids a lot of unnecessary requests to Phabricator that would otherwise be required to resolve the names of projects and workboard columns.

dddcli metrics cache-columns --project=PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja

Then you can fetch the actual metrics and map them into local sqlite tables with the map sub-command:

dddcli metrics map --project=#release-engineering-team

Note that --project accepts either a PHID or a project #hashtag

To get cli usage help, try

dddcli metrics map --help

To run it with a test file instead of connecting to phabricator:

dddcli metrics map --mock=test/train.transactions.json

This runs the mapper with data from a file, treating that as a mock api call result (to speed up testing)

If you omit the --mock argument then it will request a rather large amount of data from the phabricator API which takes an extra 20+ seconds to fetch.


The main user interface for the Data³ tool is provided by Datasette.

Datasette is installed as a dependency of this repo by running poetry install from the repository root.

Once dependencies are installed, you can run datasette from the ddd checkout like this:

export DATASETTE_PORT=8001
export DATASETTE_HOST=localhost # or use to listen on a public interface
export DATASETTE_DIR=./www  #this should point to the www directory included in this repo.
datasette --reload --metadata www/metadata.yaml -h #DATASETTE_HOST -p $DATASETTE_PORT  $DATASETTE_DIR

For deployment on a server, there are sample systemd units in etc/systemd/* including a file watcher to restart datasette when the data changes. Approximately the same behavior is achieved by the --reload argument to the datasette command given here and that is adequate for development and testing locally.

Datasette Plugins

Datasette has been extended with some plugins to add custom functionality.

  • See www/plugins for Data³ customizations.
  • There is also a customized version of datasette-dashboards which is included via a submodule at src/datacube-dashboards. Do the usual git submodule update --init to get that source code.
  • There are custom views and routes added in that map urls like /-/ddd/$page/ to files in www/templates/view/.


The data³ Dashboards web application is documented in ./docs/

Example code:

Conduit API client:

from ddd.phab import Conduit

phab = Conduit()

# Call phabricator's api and retrieve all results
r = phab.request('', {'queryKey': "KpRagEN3fCBC",
                "limit": "40",
                "attachments": {
                    "projects": True,
                    "columns": True

This fetches every page of results, note the API limits a single request to fetching at most 100 objects, however, fetch_all will request each page from the server until all available records have been retrieved:



Whenever encountering a phabricator phid, we use PHIDRef objects to wrap the phid. This provides several conveniences for working with phabricator objects efficiently. This interactive python session demonstrates how it works:

In [1]: phid = PHIDRef('PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja')
# PHIDRef has a placeholder for the Project instance:
IN [2]: phid.object
Out[2]: Project(name="", phid="PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja")

# Once we call resolve_phids, then the data is filled in from cache or from a conduit request if it's not cached:
In [3]: PHObject.resolve_phids(phab, DataCache(db))
Out[3]: {'PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja': Project(name="Releas...ewbhj7ja")}

# now phid and phid.object are useful:
In [4]: phid.object
Out[4]: Project(name="Release-Engineering-Team", phid="PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja")

In [5]: phid
Out[5]: PHIDRef('PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja', object='Release-Engineering-Team')

In [6]: str(phid.object)
Out[6]: Release-Engineering-Team

In [7]: str(phid)
Out[7]: PHID-PROJ-uier7rukzszoewbhj7ja
  1. You can construct a bunch of PHIDRef instances and then later on you can fetch all of the data in a single call to phabricator's conduit api. This is accomplished by calling PHObject.resolve_phids().
  2. resolve_phids() can store a local cache of the phid details in the phobjects table. After calling resolve_phids completes, all PHObject instances will contain the name, url and status of the corresponding phabricator objects.
  3. An instance of PHIDRef can be used transparently as a database key.
  4. str(PHIDRef_instance) returns the original "PHID-TYPE-hash" string.
  5. PHIDRef_instance.object returns an instantiated PHObject instance.


Based on datasette, data³ (ddd) is a framework for processing data from various sources to produce software development lifecycle metrics.





