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Rainbow To-Do List App 🌈


License: MIT

A vibrant and colorful to-do list app that adds a splash of joy to your productivity routine!


🎯 Features


  • Colorful and visually appealing interface 🎨
  • Easy-to-use task management ✅
  • Each new task is displayed in a different color from the rainbow palette, enhancing visual organization.

⚙️ Installation


  1. Clone the Repository:

    • Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Start the App:

    • Run npm start to start the development server.

👀 Usage


  1. Adding Tasks:

    • simply enter your task in the input field provided and click on the 'add' button. Your task will be added to the list of tasks in no time!
    • Each new task will automatically be assigned a color from the rainbow palette, ensuring visual prioritization.
  2. Managing Tasks:

    • Click on a task to mark it as completed.
    • Click on 'Clear Completed' to delete all done tasks, or the trash icon to delete a specific task.
  3. Filtering Tasks:

    • Use filters to view tasks by their status: All, Active, Completed.

👋 Contributing


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. 🚀

⚠️ License


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. 📝