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Releases: CGCookie/retopoflow


24 Feb 20:06
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.4.3!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.4.2.

  • Fixed text rendering bug
  • Fixed GPU Capabilities bug with Blender 4.1
  • Fixed Blender UI becoming unresponsive after starting RF


22 Nov 19:35
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.4.2!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.4.1.

  • Worked around issue of "locking" Blender interface on Windows machines with Blender >3.6
  • Strokes now shows counts for selected verts, selected edges, new spans, new loops
  • Improved clarity for target geometry that is pinned, seam, non-manifold
  • Disabling visualization of pinned or seam geometry will disable pinning
  • Added keymap for marking/clearing seams, confirming quick tools
  • Added keymap for confirming quick tools
  • Added Merge options to Delete / Dissolve pie menu
  • Many minor bug fixes


04 Nov 18:48
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.4.1!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.4.0.

  • Improved visualization and editing when working on "wrong" side of symmetry
  • Fixed bridging bug with Strokes
  • Fixed many bugs
  • Improved general PolyPen performance
  • UI drawing uses framebuffers again (UI performance)
  • Warns when geometry is on "wrong" side of symmetry
  • General code cleanup, refactor, and optimizations


21 Jul 20:17
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.4.0!

This version of RetopoFlow requires Blender 3.6 or later.

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.3.0.

  • Blender
    • Removed dependence on deprecated bgl module
    • Added support for Metal
    • Improved general feedback and error handling during startup process
    • Improved indication of warnings in Blender menu
    • Added button to continue editing with active mesh as target
    • Improved handling of when Blender version is outside requirements
  • Performance
    • Improved navigating and selecting
    • Improved performance of all tools
  • Select: added new tool to do box selection
  • General: added simple rip and rip fill
  • Contours
    • Fixed crashing bug when cutting across non-manifold edge
    • Fixed bug when cancelling cut
  • Strokes: consistent fixed span/segment count for all insertions
  • Knife: fixed bug when using where no source geometry exists
  • Tweak: added raycast/snap modes to work in screen or world space
  • Auto Save
    • Fixed and improved reporting, recovery, and other operations
    • Auto save is delayed until current action is finished
  • Input
    • Added keymaps to select all linked, roll view, increase vertex count (Contours, PolyStrips, etc.) with plus key
    • Fixed NDOF and trackpad
  • Mirror: preliminary work to mirror actions to "correct" side of symmetry plane(s)
  • Debug: deep debugging for capturing terminal output to a file
  • Hive: improved integration
  • General
    • Fixed visual bug when matcaps are not installed. Light and Dark themes now use built-in matcaps
    • Ray casts ignores source geometry that is clipped (near clip only) or culled (backface)
    • Brush size (PolyStrips, Strokes, Relax, Smooth) is more consistent across screen
    • Fixed many smaller bugs
    • Restructured, refactored, and cleaned code base
    • Auto saves will make a few attempts before alerting of failure


17 Mar 00:16
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.3.0!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.9.

  • New undo system
  • New recovery system
  • Revamped action system
  • Added button to open online documents for Warning Details
  • Improved error handling at startup
  • Refactored large sections and cleaned code
  • Removed code for Blender 2.79 and earlier
  • Reorganized file structure
  • Improved Hive integration
  • Added option to keep viewport orbit center when nothing is selected
  • Added options to control Tweak/Relax brush alpha
  • Fixed disappearing text on detail UI elements at certain Blender UI scales
  • Fixed crash when exiting RetopoFlow after starting in wireframe mode
  • Fixed issue where selected but hidden geometry could get deleted
  • Turning off shading optimization now restores original shading settings
  • General code improvement


16 Sep 00:06
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.9!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.8.

  • Fixed bug where scaling of target and viewport changes with save/undo
  • Fixed rare bug in PolyPen


23 May 16:43
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This the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.8!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.7.

  • Fixed bug where checkedness of alert checkboxes is not saved
  • Fixed bug with Stroke snapping distance


20 May 20:59
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This the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.7!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.6.

  • Fixed bug when pressing MMB while moving geometry with LMB
  • Significantly improved Auto Save and Auto Save recovery
  • Added quick bail if unexpected exceptions occur to prevent work loss
  • Temp mesh is used when updating to prevent work loss
  • PolyPen now has option to adjust distance for inserting vertex into edge
  • Fixed issue where loose verts and edges are unselectable
  • Fixed issue with crashing when using tablet
  • Improved auto adjustment of view clipping
  • Improved stability of Strokes and PolyPen
  • Added option for snapping to geometry while using Strokes instead of using brush radius
  • Checking for invalid characters in add-on folder name
  • Improved and debugged UI code
  • Removed RetopoFlow menu from all modes other than Object and Mesh Edit
  • Moved version number from the menu title to the menu header


04 Mar 18:39
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This the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.6!

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.5.

  • Vertex pinning and unpinning, where pinned vertices cannot be moved
  • Seam edges can be pinned
  • Option to hide mouse cursor when moving geometry
  • Keymap editor improvements: shows keys for done and toggle UI, added Blender passthrough, fixed many bugs
  • Fixed bug where modifier key states would be out of sync if pressed or unpressed while changing view
  • Added auto clip adjustment setting, which adjusts clip settings based on view position and distance to bbox of sources
  • Fixed visualization bug where depth test wasn't always enabled and depth range might not be [0,1]
  • Added check for and button to select vertices that are on the "wrong" side of symmetry planes.
  • Fixed many bugs and cleaned up code


02 Dec 12:44
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This is the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.5!

NOTES: This release

  • supports only Blender 2.9.3 or later (will not work on Blender 2.8.3 or before), and
  • works around a crashing Blender 3.0+ bug (which is now fixed, but not released yet).

Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.4.

  • Worked around a major crashing bug in Blender 3.0 and 3.1
  • Overhauled RetopoFlow's Blender menu, by adding custom icons to buttons, improving the wording, buttons to online help documents, buttons to updater
  • Modifier keys (i.e., Ctrl, Shift, Alt, OSKey) now show OSX-specific symbols (i.e., ^, ⇧, βŒ₯, ⌘) for better readability on OSX machines
  • Improved keymap editor
  • Minor improvements for smaller screens
  • Started working on improvements for error reporting
  • Started refactoring code for major changes to Blender 3.0+ API, such as removing dependence on the deprecated bgl module
  • Many bug fixes
  • General cleaning up of old code and adding comments