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Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD

Max Gripe's Homepage

Welcome to my homepage! It serves as a platform for me to share my links and thoughts.

Some technical details:

  • This website is hosted on Azure using free plan.

  • Articles and other content are written in Markdown, allowing for easy content creation and management. These Markdown files are automatically converted to HTML during the build process using F# and the FSharp.Formatting library.

  • The deployment process is fully automated using GitHub Actions. Any changes to this repository are immediately reflected on the live site.

Folder structure

  • src/: Contains the source code for the site, including the F# scripts and Markdown content.
    • HtmlGenerator/: The F# project that handles the generation of HTML from Markdown.
    • markdown/: Directory containing the Markdown files for articles and other content.
    • partials/: Contains reusable HTML snippets like and
    • output/: Directory that will be created during the build process, with the generated HTML files.
  • This file.
  • LICENSE: License file for the project.

How it works

When I write an article in Markdown and place it in the src/markdown/ folder, the rest happens automatically. GitHub Actions detects changes pushed to the repository, triggers the build process, and deploys the updated site to Azure Static Web Apps.


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have suggestions or improvements for the site. Contributions are always welcome! 😁


This project is licensed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0.