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Deprecation Notice

I've made the decision to deprecate this project. Implementing and maintaining a custom ORM is a very complex job and there are far more mature solutions already available on other platforms.

HOWEVER I am still passionate about working on a platform that makes it super-easy to create business apps in record time. You can track this work over at!

RevJS - Rev up your data-driven JS app development!

RevJS is a suite of JavaScript modules designed to speed up development of data-driven JS applications.

RevJS allows you to

  • Define a relational data model using plain JS classes, and built-in or custom field types
  • Define custom validation logic directly in your models
  • Easily create a GraphQL API to make your models available over the network
  • Quickly build a user interface for the web or mobile, using our React higher-order components

Getting Started

Development Status

We're on our way to v1.0.0, and are keen to get more users and contributors on board. You can see what we're currently working in our Github Projects.


Theres a full set of working examples in the repo but heres a few snippets of code to give you an idea of what RevJS is all about!:

Defining and Using Models

// Define a new Post model
    ['agriculture', 'Agriculture'],
    ['music', 'Music'],
    ['science', 'Science'],
    ['technology', 'Technology'],

export class Post {
    @AutoNumberField({ primaryKey: true })
        id: number;
    @SelectField({ selection: POST_CATEGORIES })
        category: string;
        title: string;
    @TextField({ multiLine: true })
        body: string;
    @IntegerField({ required: false })
        rating: number;
        published: boolean;

    constructor(data?: Partial<Post>) {
        Object.assign(this, data);

// Add the Post model to a ModelManager
export const modelManager = new ModelManager();
modelManager.registerBackend('default', new InMemoryBackend());

// Create some data
await modelManager.create(new Post({
    category: 'agriculture',
    title: 'My First Post',
    body: 'This is a really cool post made in RevJS!',
    rating: 5,
    published: true

Creating a GraphQL API

export const api = new ModelApiManager(modelManager);

api.register(Post, { operations: ['read', 'create', 'update', 'remove']});

const schema = api.getGraphQLSchema();'/graphql', graphqlKoa({ schema: schema }));

Building a User Interface

<ModelProvider modelManager={modelManager} >
        title="Popular Posts"
            rating: { _gt: 3 }
        orderBy={['rating desc']}
<ModelProvider modelManager={modelManager} >

    <Typography variant="display1">Create Post</Typography>

    <DetailView model="Post">
        <Field name="title" />
        <Field name="category" />
        <Field name="body" colspan={12} />
        <Field name="rating" />
        <Field name="published" />

        <SaveAction label="Create Post" />



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Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3
