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🐸 Froggy Commerce

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Froggy Commerce API is a backend API designed to manage an e-commerce system. It provides endpoints to manage products, customers, administrators, shopping carts, and payment processes. This API is designed to be flexible, secure, and easy to integrate with e-commerce user interfaces.

🚀 Features

  • User and Roles Control: Implements a user and roles management system to ensure security and control access to the API functionality. This includes creating customer accounts and assigning specific roles to users.

  • Security Measures: The API implements security measures such as user authentication using JWT tokens, role-based authorization, and data validation to protect data and ensure proper access control.

  • Administrators: Administrators can manage products (create, update, delete), manage product stock, and view and manage all existing customers on the platform.

  • Customers: Customers can view products, update their user profile, manage shipping and billing addresses, and add, delete, and update products in the shopping cart.

  • Login and Registration: Endpoints are provided for user registration and authentication on the platform, using a secure system based on JWT tokens.

  • Payment Link Generation: The application allows generating a payment link for products in the user's shopping cart, facilitating the purchase process.

  • Integration with Mercado Pago: Integrates with Mercado Pago to manage payment processes efficiently and securely.

  • Swagger Documentation: Uses Swagger to document the API clearly and accessibly.

🛠️ Installation


Make sure you have the following requirements installed on your system:

  • Docker: To run the project in a container.
  • Docker Compose: To define and run Docker applications with multiple containers.

Using Docker Compose

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd FroggyCommerce-api
  2. Configure the .env file:

    # Flask configuration
    FLASK_ENV=development # Can be 'development' or 'production' depending on the environment
    # API config
    URL_SCHEME=URL_Scheme (http/https)
    # MySQL configuration
    MYSQL_HOST=localhost # MySQL Database Host
    MYSQL_PORT=3306 # MySQL Database Port
    MYSQL_USER=root # MySQL Database User
    MYSQL_PASSWORD=yourpassword # MySQL Database User Password
    MYSQL_DB=ecommerce_db # MySQL Database Name
    # Security
    # Mercado Pago
    MP_ACCESS_TOKEN=youraccesstoken # Mercado Pago Access Token
  3. Run the following command to build and start the containers:

    sudo docker-compose up --build -d
  4. After the containers have started successfully, you can access the API documentation generated by Swagger at the following link:

    📚 Swagger Documentation

Without Docker Compose


Make sure you have the following requirements installed on your system:

  • Python: To run the project locally.
  • Virtualenv: To create a virtual environment for Python.
  • MySQL: Database management system. Make sure MySQL is installed and running on your system.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd FroggyCommerce-api
  2. Configure the .env file as shown in the Docker installation section.

  3. Run the following command to create the database and load the schema from the script:

  4. Create and activate a virtual environment for Python:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the project dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run the application:

  7. After the application has started successfully, you can access the API documentation generated by Swagger at the following link:

    📚 Swagger Documentation

💳 Mercado Pago Integration

Froggy Commerce integrates with Mercado Pago to manage payment processes efficiently and securely. To use this integration, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on Mercado Pago.

  2. Get your Mercado Pago API credentials, including your Access Token.

  3. Configure your application to use the Mercado Pago credentials. This may involve setting environment variables in your .env file:

  4. Follow the instructions in the Mercado Pago documentation to set up the necessary webhooks to receive payment notifications.

  5. If you are working in a local environment and want to test Mercado Pago payment functionalities, you will need to expose your local server to the internet using a tool like ngrok to create a tunnel and obtain a public URL. Make sure to configure your application to use this URL, including the scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) and the server name in your .env file:

  6. That's it! You can now start using the Mercado Pago payment functionalities in your Froggy Commerce application.

🛡️ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

MIT License GPLv3 License AGPL License


e-commerce created in pytohn






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