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Hardware Acceleration for Neural Networks


Artificial intelligence ("AI") is deployed in various applications, from noise cancellation to image recognition. AI-based products often come with high hardware and electricity costs, making them inaccessible for consumer devices and small-scale edge electronics. Inspired by biological brains, deep neural networks ("DNNs") are modeled using mathematical formulae, but general-purpose processors treat otherwise-parallelizable AI algorithms as step-by-step sequential logic. In contrast, programmable logic devices ("PLDs") can be customized to the specific parameters of a trained DNN, thereby ensuring data-tailored computation and algorithmic parallelism at the register transfer level. Furthermore, a subgroup of PLDs, field-programmable gate arrays ("FPGAs"), are dynamically reconfigurable. So, to improve AI runtime performance, I designed and open-sourced my hardware compiler, Innervator, using the VHDL-2008 language. Innervator takes any DNN's metadata and parameters (e.g., number of layers, neurons per layer, and their weights/biases), generating its synthesizable FPGA hardware description with the appropriate pipelining and batch processing; Innervator is entirely portable and vendor-independent. As a proof of concept, I used Innervator to implement a sample 8x8-pixel handwritten digit-recognizing neural network in a low-cost Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA @ 100 MHz. With 3 pipeline stages and 2 batches at 60% area utilization, the Network achieved ~4.75 GOP/s, predicting the output in 630 ns and under 0.25 W of power. In comparison, an Intel Core i7-12700H @ 4.70 GHz would take 40,000 to 60,000 ns at 45 to 115 W. Ultimately, Innervator's hardware-accelerated approach bridges the inherent mismatch between current AI algorithms and the general-purpose digital hardware they run on.


Although the Abstract specifically talks about an image-recognizing neural network, I endeavoured to generalize Innervator: in practice, it is capable of implementing any number of neurons and layers, and in any possible application (e.g., speech recognition), not just imagery. In the ./data folder, you will find weight and bias parameters that will be used during Innervator's synthesis. Because of the incredibly broken implementation of VHDL's std.textio library across most synthesis tools, I was limited to only reading std_logic_vectors from files; due to that, weights and biases had to be pre-formatted in a fixed-point representation. (More information is available in file_parser.vhd.

The VHDL code itself has been very throughly documented; because I was a novice to VHDL, AI, and FPGA design myself, I documented each step as if it was a beginner's tutorial. Also, you may find these overview slides of the Project useful.

Interestingly, even though I was completely new to the world of hardware design, I still found the toolchain (and even VHDL itself) in a very unstable and buggy state; in fact, throughout this project, I found and documented dozens of different bugs, some of which were new and reported to IEEE and Xilinx:


To innervate means "to supply something with nerves."

Innervator is, aptly, an implementer of artificial neural networks within Programmable Logic Devices.

Furthermore, these hardware-based neural networks could be named "Innervated Neural Networks," which also appears as INN in INNervator.


  • Prior to starting this project, I had no experience or training with artificial intelligence ("AI"), electrical engineering, or hardware design;
  • Hardware design is a complex field—an "unlearn" of computer science; and
  • Combining the two ideas, AI & hardware, transformed this project into a unique proof of concept.


  • Inspired by biological brains, AI neural networks are modeled in mathematical formulae that are inherently concurrent;
  • AI applications are widespread but suffer from general-purpose computer processors that execute algorithms in step-by-step sequences; and
  • Programmable Logic Devices ("PLDs") allow for digital circuitry to be predesigned for data-tailored and massively parallelized operations

Build Instructions

[TODO: Create a TCL script and makefile to automate this.]

To ensure maximal compatibility, I tested Innervator across both Xilinx Vivado 2024's synthesizer (not simulator) and Mentor Graphics ModelSim 2016's simulator; the code itself was written using a subset of VHDL-2008, without any other language involved. Additionally, absolutely no vendor-specific libraries were used in Innervator's design; only the official std and IEEE VHDL packages were utilized.

Because I developed Innervator on a small, entry-level FPGA board (i.e., Digilent Arty A7-35T), I faced many challenges in regard to logic resource usage and timing failures; however, this also ensured that Innervator would become very portable and resource-efficient.

In the ./src/config.vhd file, you will be able to fine-tune Innervator to your liking; almost everything is customizable and generic, down to the polarization/synchronization of reset, fixed-point types' widths, and neurons' batch processing size or pipeline stages.

Hardware Demo (Arty A7-35T)

I used the four LEDs to "transmit" the network's prediction (i.e., resulting digit in this case); but the same UART interface could later be used to also transmit it back to the computer.

(Note: The "delay" you see between the command prompt and FPGA is primarily due to the UART speed; the actual neural network itself takes ~1000 nanoseconds to process its input.)



(Note: This was an old simulation run; in the current version, the same digit was predicted with a %70+ accuracy.)

The sample network that was used in said simulation:


Statistics (Arty A7-35T)

Including the periphals (e.g., UART, button debouncer, etc.) and given a network with an input and 2 neural layers (64 inputs, 20 hidden neurons, and 10 output neurons), 4 bits for integral and 4 bits for fractional widths of fixed-point numerals, no batch processing (one DSP for each neuron), and 3 pipeline stages; Innervator consumed the following resources:

Resource Utilization Total Availability
Logic LUT 10233 20800
Sliced Reg. 13954 41600
F7 Mux. 620 8150
Slice 3775 8150
DSP 30 90
Bonded IOB 7 210

Timing reports were also great; the Worst Negative Slack (WNS) was 1.252 ns, without aggressive synthesis optimizations, given a 100 MHz clock. On the same FPGA, the number of giga-operations per second was 3 GOP/s, and the total on-chip power draw was 0.189 W.