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MIGSAA Project 2 - Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms


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An overview of Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms

Repository for MIGSAA ( Taster Project 2

Written by M. Puza, T. Hodgson, M. Holden, B. Han

Interactive visualization of LMC Algorithms


  • A full report on the topic can be find in this repository as a pdf file.


Implementation of the following LMC algorithms, together with various tools for analysis of their error can be found in this repository ( References can be found in the report. The main purpose of our project is to estimate the errors made by all of these sampling methods.


Dependencies: numpy, scipy, KDEpy, matplotlib, pickle (To install missing dependencies pip install KDEpy, etc)

Obtaining samples

To obtain samples only without performing any analysis, one can use the following template:

  s = Sampler(potential="double_well", dimension=2, x0=np.array([0,0]), step=0.1)
  samples = s.get_samples(algorithm="ULA", burn_in=0, n_chains=1, n_samples=1e2, measuring_points=None, timer=None)

Note: For rejection based algorithms, this will contain duplicate values at the event of rejection. To calculate the acceptance rate, it suffices to:

  acceptance_rate = len(set(map(tuple, samples)))/len(samples)


To perform analysis, first, create an Evaluator object.

d = 1 # dimension
e = Evaluator(potential="double_well", dimension=d, x0=np.array([0]+[0]*(d-1)), burn_in=2, N=1000, N_sim=2, step=0.05, \
              N_chains=2, measuring_points=None, timer=None, gaussian_sigma=None, temperature=0.1)

The available parameters are:

  • potential: currently one of 'gaussian', 'double_well', 'Ginzburg_Landau'.
  • dimension: integer.
  • x0: the starting point for the chains.
  • burn_in: integer, the first burn_in samples in each chain will be discarded.
  • N: integer, the number of samples in each chain.
  • N_sim: integer, the number of simulations.
  • step: float, the step size.
  • N_chains: integer, the number of chains to be run in each simulation.
  • measuring_points: for thinning the chain. When omitted, all of the samples from a chain will be preserved. Otherwise describes the indices of the samples to preserve from each chain (after burn_in). For example, setting this to [9, 10], with burn_in=5 and N_chains=10 will result in running 10 chains, taking from each the 15th and 16th (Python is zero-indexed) sample.
  • timer: float; rather than a fixed number of samples in each chain, one may choose to allocate to each chain a fixed computing time. This parameter sets the computing time in seconds.
  • gaussian_sigma: numpy array; if the potential is Gaussian, sets its variance to diag(gaussian_sigma).
  • temperature: scales the potential by a factor of 1/temperature (by default 1)

Next, you may perform analysis in a single line.

e.analysis(algorithms=["ULA", "tULA", "RWM"], measure='total_variation', bins=40)

The parameters here are:

  • algorithms: a subset of ['ULA', 'tULA', 'tULAc', 'MALA', 'tMALA', 'RWM', 'LM', 'tHOLA', 'tLM', 'tLMc']
  • measure: a measure of choice. These are described below.
  • bins: the number of bins in each dimension (for histogram-based measures).

and the result is:

When running analysis, however, the numerical results are not stored. To store the numerical results, one may run an experiment.

  exp_name = 'Experiments/my_little_experiment'
  e.run_experiment(file_path=exp_name, algorithm='ULA', measure='total_variation', bins=10)

This saves the experiment results to file linked in exp_name. One may read the experiment results in the future with the following piece of code:

my_little_experiment = pickle.load(open( exp_name, 'rb' ))
for k, v in my_little_experiment.items():
   print(k, ':', v)

which will print:

algorithm : ULA
measure : total_variation
bins : 10
potential : double_well
dimension : 3
x0 : [0 0 0]
step : 0.05
N : 1000
burn_in : 2
N_sim : 2
timer : None
N_chains : 2
results : [[0.2543805177875392, 0.2345092390242109]]

Measures of error (parameter measure)

Closer description of the measures can be found in the report.

  • Trace (trace)

    • Note: Assumes d = 2. Produces a trace plot.
  • Trace (scatter)

    • Note: Assumes d = 2. Produces a scatter plot.
  • Histogram (histogram)

    • Note: Assumes d = 1. Produces a histogram plot.
  • First moment (first_moment)

    • Note: In higher dimensions, the first moment in the first coordinate only is displayed.
  • Second moment (second_moment)

    • Note: In higher dimensions, the first moment in the first coordinate only is displayed.
  • KL Divergence (KL_divergence):

    • Note: Computes the KL divergence on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • Total Variation (total_variation):

    • Note: Computes the total variation on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • (1-)Sliced Wasserstein distance on histograms (sliced_wasserstein):

    • Note: Computes the SW distance on discrete histograms.
    • Note: Make sure that bins^d <= ~10^6.
  • Naive (1-)Sliced Wasserstein approximation (sliced_wasserstein):

    • Note: Works for very large dimensions.
    • Note: Naively estimates the SW distance only at the points where the samples were made.
    • Note: If the sampled values are entirely wrong, this method will not work >> use first moment test first.
  • Kernel Density Estimated (KDE) KL Divergence (FFTKDE_KL):

    • Note: Same as KL Divergence, uses KDE instead of histograms.
  • KDE Total Variation (FFTKDE_TV):

    • Note: Same as Total Variation, uses KDE instead of histograms.
  • KDE (1-)Sliced Wasserstein distance (FFTKDE_SW):

    • Note: Same as Sliced Wasserstein, uses KDE instead of histograms.

The authors were supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.


MIGSAA Project 2 - Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms







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