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File validator that checks by magic bytes and MIME types


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Recognize filetypes from Streams or IFormfiles using mime types or file extensions and validate them against the magic bytes according to the filetypes. The existing FileTypes can be expanded in various ways.

How to install?

  • Install nuget package into your project:
Install-Package MagicBytesValidator -Version 2.0.0
dotnet add package MagicBytesValidator --version 2.0.0
  • Reference in your csproj:
<PackageReference Include="MagicBytesValidator" Version="2.0.0" />

How to use it?

  • Create new instances of the validator & providers:
var validator = new MagicBytesValidator.Services.Validator();
var formFileTypeProvider = new MagicBytesValidator.Services.Http.FormFileTypeProvider();
var streamFileTypeProvider = new MagicBytesValidator.Services.Streams.StreamFileTypeProvider();
  • Find a filetype by extension or mimetype:
var pngFileType = validator.Mapping.FindByExtension("png");
var pdfFileType = validator.Mapping.FindByMimeType("application/pdf");
  • Determine & validate a filetype by uploaded IFormFile:
var fileType = await formFileTypeProvider.FindValidatedTypeAsync(formFile, null, CancellationToken.None);
  • Determine the file type of a file by its stream
var fileType = await streamFileTypeProvider.TryFindUnambiguousAsync(fileStream, CancellationToken.None);
  • Check a file with its stream and filetype:
var isValid = await validator.IsValidAsync(memoryStream, fileType, CancellationToken.None);

Expand the filetype mapping

  • Get mapping:
// use the validator:
var mapping = validator.Mapping;

// use the formFileTypeProvider:
var mapping = formFileTypeProvider.Mapping;

// or create a new instance of the mapping:
var mapping = new MagicBytesValidator.Services.Mapping(); 
  • Register a single Filetype:
    new FileByteFilter(
        "traperto/trp",  // mime type
        new[] { "trp" } // file extensions
    ) {
        // magic byte sequences
            0x78, 0x6c, 0x2f, 0x5f, 0x72, 0x65
            0xFF, 0xFF
  • FileTypes with specific offset checks:
    new FileByteFilter(
        "traperto/trp",  // mime type
        new[] { "trp" } // file extensions
    ) {
        // magic byte sequences
        Specific(new ByteCheck(512, [0xFD]));

ByteCheck allows for negative offset values to look for a specific offset counting from the end of file

  • Register a list of filetypes:

You can also create variants of IFileType and register them by passing the Assembly of the new FileTypes, e.g. mapping.Register(typeof(CustomFileType).Assembly);. This will register all FileTypes of the given Assembly that are also not abstract and have an empty constructor!

public class CustomFileType : FileTypeWithStartSequences
    public CustomFileType() : base(
        "traperto/trp",  // mime type
        new[] { "trp" }, // file extensions
        new[] {          // magic byte sequences
            new byte[] { 0x74, 0x72, 0x61, 0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x6f }

var assembly = typeof(CustomFileType).Assembly;


There's a CLI tool (MagicBytesValidator.CLI) which can be used to determine MIME types for a local file by calling the following command.

dotnet run --project MagicBytesValidator.CLI -- [PATH]

This can be useful when debugging or validating newly added FileTypes.

List of Filetypes

Mimetype Extension Magicbytes (decimal)
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin rpm 237 171 238 219
application/octet-stream bin
  • 83 80 48 49
  • 201
  • 202 254 186 190
video/3gpp 3gp 102 116 121 112 51 103
image/x-icon ico 0 0 1 0
image/gif gif
  • 71 73 70 56 55 97
  • 71 73 70 56 57 97
image/tiff tif
  • 73 73 42 0
  • 77 77 0 42
image/jpeg jpg
  • 255 216 255 219
  • 255 216 255 224 0 16 74
  • 70 73 70 0 1
  • 255 216 255 238
  • 105 102 0 0
image/png png 137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10
video/ogg ogg
79 103 103 83
audio/basic snd
  • 56 83 86 88
  • 65 73 70 70
application/dsptype tsp 77 90
text/plain txt
  • 239 187 191
  • 255 254
  • 254 255
  • 255 254 0 0
application/zip zip 80 75 3 4
application docx
80 75 7 8
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation odp 80 75 7 8
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet ods 80 75 7 8
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text odt 80 75 7 8
audio/mpeg mp3 73 68 51
image/bmp bmp 66 77
audio/x-midi midi
77 84 104 100
application/msword doc
208 207 17 224 161 177 26 255
application/msexcel xlx
208 207 17 224 161 177 26 255
application/mspowerpoint ppt
208 207 17 224 161 177 26 225
application/gzip gz 31 139
video/webm webm 26 69 223 163
application/rtf rtf 123 92 114 116 102 49
text/tab-separated-values tsv 71
video/mpeg mpg
  • 71
  • 0 0 1 186
  • 0 0 1 179
video/mp4 mp4
  • 102 116 121 112 105 115 111 109
  • 102 116 121 112 109 112 52 50
  • 102 116 121 112 77 83 62 86
image/x-portable-bitmap pbm 80 49 10
image/x-portable-graymap pgm 80 50 10
image/x-portable-pixmap ppm 80 51 10
application/pdf pdf 25 50 44 46

What is the licence?

MIT License

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