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Memory Card Game

💻 Languages

HTML badge CSS badge JavaScript badge

🔧 Technologies

Linux badge VS Code badge Git badge Webpack badge Node.js badge npm badge ESLint badge Prettier badge Babel badge Jest badge React badge Vite badge Vercel badge


Live Demo

Screen views

Desktop View:

desktop view

Tablet View:

tablet view

Mobile View:

mobile view

🌐 Origin

The Odin Project

📝 Description

Builds a memory card game.

  • Loads to display status - Initializing page, after loss, and win.
  • Displays info on hover.
  • Updates scores in real-time.
  • 3d interaction effect on cards.

🎯 Relevance

To solidify concepts of State and Effects in React.

👥 Intended Audience

Developers, users, recruiters.


Users can install all dependencies using package.json file via:

npm install

📂 Files

File Description
src/* Source files that are bundled into the output directory dist/.
src/main.jsx The main JavaScript entry point that bundling begins.
src/App.jsx Main component where overall structure and other layout components of the app are contained.
src/assets/* All assets(imgs, icons, vids) used in website.
src/components/Boilerplate.jsx All components in body assembles here.
src/components/Card.jsx Creates each card.
src/components/FetchImgs.jsx Fetches all image urls.
src/components/ids.js Generates ids with uuid.
src/components/Info.jsx Displays info section.
src/components/Loading.jsx Creates a loading display with two props: gif and text.
src/components/Score.jsx Displays Score section.
src/styles/App.css Main stylesheet for entire site.
src/styles/reset.css Sets style to default for consistency across different devices and browsers.
dist/* Output files from bundling of files in directory src/.
dist/main.js Main JavaScript output file that contains the bundled JavaScript code. Code is minified and optimized for deployment (Due to mode set to production in webpack config).
package* Contains details of project and dependencies versions.
readme-assets/* Live demo and different screen views used in

©️ Credit

File Description
src/assets/banana.png Photo created by Meesgroothuis on Pixabay.
src/assets/bg.jpg Photo created by Alexas Fotos on Pixabay.
Fetched Images Photos created by Alexas Fotos on Pixabay API.
src/assets/*.gif Photo from Giphy.

🔄 Improvements

  • Fix load resource error in console.
  • Add sound.
  • Use an svg favicon.
  • Make flip appear 3d.
  • Display remaining moves at bottom (n/8).
  • Make sure images fully appear before Loading ends.
  • Add difficulty level.

👤 Curator

  1. Abraham Da Costa Silvanus


Seek contributor's consent for any code usage.

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