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Action: No Changelog
Action: No Changelog
Release-Drafter won't add this to the release changelog
Action: Update Major
Action: Update Major
This PR updates the Major version
Action: Update Minor
Action: Update Minor
This PR updates the Minor version
Action: Update Patch
Action: Update Patch
This PR updates the Patch version
Change: Breaking
Change: Breaking
This code will break backwards compatibality with previous versions.
Change: Documentation
Change: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
Change: Minor
Change: Minor
Minor changes to code. Won't have any breaking changes.
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Importance: High
Importance: High
Should be done as soon as possible!
Importance: Low
Importance: Low
No high priority
Importance: Medium
Importance: Medium
Should be done soon, but not ASAP
Result: Invalid
Result: Invalid
Invalid Issue or Pull Request. Follow guidelines please.
Status: Requires more info
Status: Requires more info
Additional information is required.
Type: BotBlock issue
Type: BotBlock issue
The issue is caused by and not this Wrapper.
Type: Bug (Confirmed)
Type: Bug (Confirmed)
Confirmed Bug with JavaBotBlockAPI.
Type: Bug (Unconfirmed)
Type: Bug (Unconfirmed)
Unconfirmed Bug. Needs validation.
Type: Dependency update
Type: Dependency update
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Type: Duplicate
Type: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
New feature or request
Type: Javacord issue
Type: Javacord issue
The issue is caused by Javacord and not this wrapper.
Type: JDA issue
Type: JDA issue
The issue is caused by JDA and not this wrapper.
Type: Question
Type: Question
Not an issue but more a general question