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Fluent Migrations

This repository stores a copy of each migration module created for mozilla-central, and a script to run the migrations.

Set up the system

  1. Create a virtual environment and install dependencies:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install mercurial python-hglib fluent.migrate
  1. Clone firefox-l10n-source and switch to the update branch.

  2. Clone firefox-l10n.

  3. Copy config/config.dist as config, and adapt the paths to your system.

  4. Use /scripts/ to run the migration.

Run migrations and organization of the recipes folder

In order to run a migration, recipes need to be stored directly in the recipes folder. The script will look for any Python (.py) file starting with bug_, allowing to run multiple recipes in one execution.

After running the migration on all l10n repositories, recipes need to be moved in one of the fx subfolders. For example, if the migration landed in Firefox 77, recipes need to be moved to fx77. It’s then possible to use the utility script to list all recipes landed in a specific version of Firefox, and remove them from a local mozilla-unified clone.

The no_train folder is used for recipes that never landed in mozilla-central.

Command line options

To dry-run all locales use:

$ ./scripts/ no-updates

To run one locale without pushing:

$ ./scripts/ it wet-run

For running migrations on all locales and push to repository, use:

$ ./scripts/ wet-run push


The script assumes your locale clone of firefox-l10n is already on the correct branch, and that the value of push.default in Git's configuration allows to push without an explicit remote or branch.

Run ./scripts/ help for help on all available command line options.

Removing obsolete recipes from mozilla-central

Obsolete migration recipes need to be periodically removed from mozilla-central. The script can be used for this purpose.

For example, if you want to remove recipes for version 113, you can run this command:

./scripts/ 113 --bookmark

This will:

  • Create a bookmark (cleanrecipes_fx113) in the mozilla-unified local clone.
  • Check the recipes that are stored inside the fx113 folder, and remove them from mozilla-unified.
  • Provide a link to file the bug.

If you want to remove other versions in the same bug, you can run the command without the --bookmark flag, and manually update the bug content with the text printed in the console.

Once the bug is filed, move the corresponding fx folders (e.g. fx113) into the archive folder.


Scripts for running Fluent migrations






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