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L D Fitness L D Fitness is a website that aims to provide imformation regarding gym time aswell as price plans and Adress.

The live link can be found here - LD Fitness

L D Fitness is a Responsive Image

Site Owner Goals To provide the user with information about pricing and times.

To provide the user with clear and concise instructions . To present the user with a website that is easy to navigate, fully responsive and easy to subscribe. To enable the user to locate gym premises in their local area if they wish to look around first. User Stories First time user: As a first time user I want to understand the main purpose of the site and IE LD Fitness logo and imagery of a gym. As a first time user I want to be able to intuitively navigate the website and have a positive easy to use experience. As a first time user I want to be able to browse price plans content without having to sign-up / register. Returning User As a returning user I want to easily navigate and upgrade their price plan if they wish. As a returning user I want to find step by step instructions in order to complete a subscription. As a returning user I want to be able to easily find the gym location. Frequent User As a frequent user I want to be able to sign-up to or change price plan. As a frequent user I want them to send an e-mail for Querys. Design Imagery The imagery used on the LD Fitness site is very important to the experience of the user, easily reconisable as a gym through the ld fitness logo and a gym themed image.

Colours The colour scheme of the website with the orange and darker shade for the logo and contrasting backgrounds making it easy to read. Below is a list of the colours used.

primary: #19a87b; -Borealis. secondary: #669ced;-Boysclub. accent: #f55e56;-Persimmon.

success: #4ff7a6;-Verdant. danger: #de1451;-Dragonfruit.

dark: #292926;-Charcoal. light: #f2f1e9;-Porcelain.

Fonts The Noto sans is the main font used throughout the whole website. This font was imported via Google Fonts. I'm using Sans Serif as a backup font, in case for any reason the main font isn't being imported into the site correctly.

Wireframes Wireframes were produced using Balsamiq.

Desktop Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Features Navigation The fully responsive navigation bar includes links to the Logo, About, plans, and register.

The about navigation link includes includes the LD Fitness logo and an option regarding the cardio studio.

The navigation bar has a fixed position so that it remains visible at the top of the page as the user navigates through the individual sections. A drop shadow was applied to the navigation bar to make sure that it doesn't blend into the other sections of the page upon scrolling. This section allows the user to easily navigate through the site to find content without having to scroll back up to the top of the page or use the browser back button.

The Landing Page Image. The landing page includes an eye catching image of some dumbells on a studio floor. This section provides the user with a clear visual representation of the purpose of the site.

The plans link. The plans link includes options of various price plans for different budgets.

The register link. The register link includes e-mail so you can create a username to frequent the site and upgreade your price plan or contact staff fo further imformation.

Footer The footer is brightley coloured to make it eye catching and stands out.

Testing Validator Testing HTML some errors were returned when passing through the official W3C Markup Validator ,within the divs and where corrected. W3C Validator Results CSS No errors were found when passing through the official W3C CSS Validator W3C CSS Validator Results Accessibility Form Testing The form has been tested to ensure it would not submit without the required input fields being filled in (full name and email address). Links Testing All navigation links were tested manually to ensure the user is directed to the correct section of the website. Social Media links in the footer of each page were tested manually to ensure they direct the user to the correct page and open in a new tab. Browser Testing The Website was tested on Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari browsers with no issues noted. Device Testing The website was viewed on a variety of devices such as Desktop, Laptop, iPhone 8, iPhoneX and iPad to ensure responsiveness on various screen sizes. The website performed as intended. The responsive design was also checked using Chrome developer tools across multiple devices with structural integrity holding for the various sizes. I also used the following websites to test responsiveness: Responsinator Am I Responsive Family and family User Testing Friends and family were asked to review the site and documentation to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues.

HTML Smooth Scroll does not work on Safari browser.

Technologies Used Languages HTML5 CSS Frameworks - Libraries - Programs Used Am I Responsive - Used to verify responsiveness of website on different devices. Responsinator - Used to verify responsiveness of website on different devices. Balsamiq - Used to generate Wireframe images. Chrome Dev Tools - Used for overall development and tweaking, including testing responsiveness and performance. Font Awesome - Used for Social Media icons in footer. GitHub - Used for version control and hosting. Google Fonts - Used to import and alter fonts on the page. Google images. W3C - Used for HTML & CSS Validation. Deployment The project was deployed using GitHub pages. The steps to deploy using GitHub pages are:

Credits Content Go to LD fitness for use of there name and ideas Google images Google fonts

Stack Overflow Acknowledgments My mentor Antonio for his support and advice.

The Code Institute slack community for their quick responses and very helpful feedback!


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