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It is about my first mapreduce program to analyze air pollution of Seoul, South Korea.

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Airpollution Analyzer

This is my first hadoop mapreduce program to analyze air pollution of Seoul, South Korea.

Getting started with airpollution-analyzer-mapreduce

Step1) Install hadoop.

  1. Install brew.
  2. Enter this command line 'brew install hadoop'. Then you can see it. brew install hadoop
  3. After installation, you can see hadoop directory in /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.1.0
  4. To access hadoop bin in everywhere, setup HADOOP_HOME in ~/.bash_profile bash_profile
  5. Go to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/ and add only JAVA_HOME absolute path like this. hadoop-env
  6. Go to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml and add below configurations.
    1. <configuration>
  7. Go to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml and add below configurations.
    1. <configuration>
  8. Go to $HADOOP_HOME and run ./bin/hdfs namenode -format
  9. Go to $HADOOP_HOME and run ./sbin/ start-dfs
  10. Then, you can browse the web interface for the NameNode http://localhost:50070/. namenode_web
  11. Run cmd hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/user_name

If you want to know more detail, please take a look official document.

Step2) Run Application

  1. Run cmd cd airpollution-analyzer/airpollution-analyzer-mapreduce
  2. Run cmd gradle clean build
  3. Run cmd hadoop jar build/libs/airpollution-analyzer-mapreduce-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar output
    1. After run cmd, you can see below line.
    2. INFO mapreduce.Job: map 100% reduce 100%
    3. INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_local1168524879_0001 completed successfully
  4. To see the mapreduce result, run cmd hadoop fs -cat output/*
    1. After run cmd, you can see this.
    2. output


It is about my first mapreduce program to analyze air pollution of Seoul, South Korea.






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