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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Mobile CI apps

Continuous integration for Mobile applications

CircleCI logo

Automatically build, test, and deploy your project in minutes

Travis CI logo

Test and deploy with confidence

Codemagic CI/CD logo

Cloud-based continuous integration and delivery for Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native, Cordova and Ionic projects

App Center logo

Continuously build, test, release, and monitor apps for every platform

AppVeyor logo

Cloud service for building, testing and deploying Windows apps

Bitrise logo

Bitrise Checks brings Bitrise's mobile CICD into GitHub: Kick off workflows and see build results right there

Appcircle Mobile CI/CD logo

Appcircle is a mobile CI/CD platform that provides a fully automated environment to manage mobile app lifecycle end-to-end

Emerge Tools logo

Monitor & optimize mobile app performance, get alerted of regressions before they reach your users

OctodroidBuildService logo

This app is a rolling-release distribution of Octodroid (unofficial open-source Github client for Android devices)