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Terraform scripts to create an affordable Kubernetes Cluster hosted in a Public Cloud and trying to use affordable cloud resources (~7 euros/month).

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Terraform scripts to create an affordable Kubernetes Cluster hosted in a Public Cloud and trying to use affordable cloud resources (~7 euros/month). The Kubernetes Cluster will be built on top of cheaper resources or something like AWS Spot Instances or Google Cloud Preemptible VM Instances.

These Terraform scripts are based in the 0.2.1-chilcano branch of forked GitHub repo.

Design of Kubernetes Cluster


Kubernetes versions tested

K8s version Worked? Observations
1.13.12 Yes N/A
1.14.3 Yes N/A
1.14.10 Yes N/A
1.15.3 ??? ???
1.15.10 ??? ???
1.16.3 ??? ???
1.16.7 ??? ???
1.17.3 ??? ???

Components included

Component Version Observations
Helm 2.12.0 The bash installs it downloading the helm-v2.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz and running its installation process.
NGINX Ingress Controller 0.20.0 Terraform installs it through nginx-ingress-mandatory.yaml (
Jetstack Cert-Manager 0.13.1(*) The bash installs it running kubectl apply cert-manager.yaml.
External-DNS 0.5.8 Terraform installs it through external-dns.yaml (

(*) This is the latest stable version.


1) K8s Cluster (1 Master, 1 Worker) with Ingress, TLS (Cert-Manager and Let's Encrypt) and custom DNS with Router 53

$ terraform init

$ terraform plan \
  -var cluster_name="cheapk8s" \
  -var k8s_ssh_key="ssh-key-for-us-east-1" \
  -var admin_cidr_blocks="" \
  -var region="us-east-1" \
  -var kubernetes_version="1.14.3" \
  -var external_dns_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_domain="" \
  -var cert_manager_enabled="1" \
  -var cert_manager_email="[email protected]"

$ terraform apply \
  -var cluster_name="cheapk8s" \
  -var k8s_ssh_key="ssh-key-for-us-east-1" \
  -var admin_cidr_blocks="" \
  -var region="us-east-1" \
  -var kubernetes_version="1.14.3" \
  -var external_dns_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_domain="" \
  -var cert_manager_enabled="1" \
  -var cert_manager_email="[email protected]"

# Check installation
$ ssh ubuntu@$(terraform output master_dns) -i ~/Downloads/ssh-key-for-us-east-1.pem -- cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
$ terraform destroy \
  -var cluster_name="cheapk8s" \
  -var k8s_ssh_key="ssh-key-for-us-east-1" \
  -var admin_cidr_blocks="" \
  -var region="us-east-1" \
  -var kubernetes_version="1.14.3" \
  -var external_dns_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_enabled="1" \
  -var nginx_ingress_domain="" \
  -var cert_manager_enabled="1" \
  -var cert_manager_email="[email protected]"

# Removing unwanted records in our AWS Hosted Zone
$ export MY_SUBDOMAIN=""
$ export HZ_ID=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name "${MY_SUBDOMAIN}." | jq -r '.HostedZones[0].Id')
$ aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $HZ_ID --query "ResourceRecordSets[?Name != '${MY_SUBDOMAIN}.']" | jq -c '.[]' |
  while read -r RRS; do
    read -r name type <<< $(jq -jr '.Name, " ", .Type' <<< "$RRS") 
    CHG_ID=$(aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $HZ_ID --change-batch '{"Changes":[{"Action":"DELETE","ResourceRecordSet": '"$RRS"' }]}' --output text --query 'ChangeInfo.Id')
    echo " - DELETING: $type $name - CHANGE ID: $CHG_ID"    

2) K8s Cluster (1 Master, 1+ Worker) with Ingress, TLS (Cert-Manager and Let's Encrypt), custom DNS with Router 53 and Autoscaling





Terraform scripts to create an affordable Kubernetes Cluster hosted in a Public Cloud and trying to use affordable cloud resources (~7 euros/month).






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  • HCL 64.3%
  • Shell 35.7%