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A library of bespoke React components which follows HOC pattern, aiming at open for extension. For education, exploration and prototype purposes based on React v18.

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A library of React components which follows HOC pattern, aiming at open for extension. For education, exploration and prototype purposes based on React v18.

Figma Design System (WIP)

Storybook Demo @ Github Page




Run the following command: npm install otter-component-library

Support for both CommonJS and ES6 module

Yes, this module supports both mode. Under the dist folder there are 2 different outputs.

Published npm module


Working in this project

Project Structure

It is just a choice of how to orgainse things. If you have a preferred way of structuring React components within a project you are of course welcome to do it however you like :)

The folder structure of this app is explained below:

├── src
│   ├── components
|   │   ├── Button
|   |   │   ├── Button.tsx | The definition of component
|   |   │   ├── Button.test.tsx | Unit tests for this component
|   |   │   ├── Button.stories | The storybook presentation of this component
|   |   │   └── index.ts | The export to external for this component
|   │   └── index.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json

Build Prerequisites

  • Install macOS nvm
  • Install Windows nvm option 1:
  • Install Windows nvm option 2:
  • Version on nvm.

    nvm --version

  • Commands supported by nvm

    nvm --help

  • Display versions of node available fo install

    nvm ls-remote

  • Install the version of node to be used.

    nvm install v16.14.0

  • The file .nvmrc at the root of the project directory should have the version of node you are using

    echo "v16.14.0" > .nvmrc

  • node.js version 16.14.0

Build Project

  • Install project defined node version

    • Assuming nvm (Node Version Manager) is installed.
    • Assuming version of node defined in the .nvmrc file is installed (nvm install `cat .nvmrc`)

    nvm use

  • Install node modules as defined in the package.json file.

    yarn install

Creating or Modifiying Components

Refer to

Housework tools


Instead of webpack, rollup is used. Typically webpack is used for bundling applications while rollup is particularly suited for bundling libraries (like ours). That's why I've chosen rollup. See the details in its config:



A plugin called terser is used to minify bundle and reduce the overall file size.


To test components I use React Testing Library, and to run those tests: Jest



The bundle tool rollup has its plugin @rollup/plugin-typescript so all good. For instructing Jest, a Jest plugin called babel-jest that tells Jest to use Babel to handle JSX transformations. See config at:


Publishing Storybook to Github Page

I override the default script inserted by Storybook init: build-storybook

This will tell Storybook to put the statically generated files into a docs-build folder. We don't actually need to create a docs-build folder in our repo as it will only be used temporarily for the deployment.

I am triggering the workflow only when files change inside the stories and src/components folders. You can customize the script accordingly if your stories and/or source files reside in another folder. Alternatively, you can trigger the workflow on every push by setting the on section

For more details, see inside .github\workflows\storybook.yml. For consistency, yarn is used instead of npm in the workflow.

The actual deployment is in github settings, which automatically takes /docs to deploy to Github Page.


  • Storybook
  • Figma UX Component Dictionary
  • More advanced components
  • SCSS
  • Automatically publish to NPM / Git module
  • Host Storybook on Github Page
  • Use Github's CICD (Github action)


A library of bespoke React components which follows HOC pattern, aiming at open for extension. For education, exploration and prototype purposes based on React v18.







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